Sunday, November 1, 2009

November 1st


Sara said...

Even your aftermath looks good, lol. This is yours, no?

Rot said...

We decorate my parents' house so the day after is always the same - getting up early, driving down there to clean up. Since the props were all left inside due to rain on Halloween, we made sure the cornstalks and pumpkins and giant cauldron were left out.

But the rain kept most of the kids away.

Sara said...

Awww, that's depressing--the no ToTers. We had a whopping TWO show up to our house. We spent most of the evening taking our almost one year old on his first excursion. It was magical. The weather was perfect (sorry!! :( ) and the street we decided on was straight out of a movie. Fall leaves ankle-deep, EVERY house for almost a mile decked out, children EVERYWHERE running, laughing...parents on the lawn having Halloween bonfires and giving out candy....*sigh* the best Halloween I have ever had. I didn't have a very friendly neighborhood growing up, so discovering this one was like finding a gold mine. It was too good to be true. My faith in Halloween has been restored...I was worried nobody celebrated like that any more.

Rot said...

Awesome Halloween!

Mantan Calaveras said...

I have to say Rot, it's been great to be able to come here and experience your Halloween Spirit vicariously. You are legit my good man.

You are an artist, and the haunt is your medium.