Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Living Dead

Image by scottweaverphotos.

The Amherst Poltergeist

One night, screams of fright brought all of the adults of the house rushing to the room where sisters Esther and Jennie shared a bed. The girls had seen the formation of something moving under their covers as they were about to go to sleep for the night; Esther thought it was a mouse. A search turned up nothing. The girls returned to bed and the house quieted for the night.

The following night, more screams disturbed the family. Esther and Jennie excitedly claimed that they had heard strange noises coming from a box of fabric scraps that was kept under the bed.

Image by geedorama.

Text source.

The Megill Haunt

More photos here.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Image by Olivier Batail.

More Gatto Lane Gore

But no sooner had she grabbed the handle of her weapon than a chorus of screams filled the assembly hall, immediately joined by the shattering of window panes. Unmentionables poured in, their movements clumsy yet swift; their burial clothing in a range of untidiness. Some wore gowns so tattered as to render them scandalous; other wore suits so filthy that one would assume they were assembled from little more than dirt and dried blood. Their flesh was in varying degrees of putrefaction; the freshly stricken were slightly green and pliant, whereas the longer dead were grey and brittle – their eyes and tongues long since turned to dust, and their lips pulled back into everlasting skeletal smiles.

A few of the guests, who had the misfortune of being too near the windows, were seized and feasted on at once. When Elizabeth stood, she saw Mrs. Long struggle to free herself as two female dreadfuls bit into her head, cracking her skull like a walnut, and sending a shower of dark blood spouting as high as the chandeliers.

From Pride And Prejudice And Zombies.

More images here.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains.

Image by phill.d.

Grave Shadows

Image by YlisViolet.

Tripod Sirens

All this had happened with such swiftness that I had stood motionless, dumbfounded and dazzled by the flashes of light. Had that death swept through a full circle, it must inevitably have slain me in my surprise. But it passed and spared me, and left the night about me suddenly dark and unfamiliar.

Caldwell Mystery Thread

ONE OF NEW JERSEY'S MOST BAFFLING MYSTERIES came in the form of a silver "thread" that was suspended for days over the house of Mr. and Mrs. A.P. Smith of 85 Forest St. in the quiet suburb of Caldwell in Essex County. The "thread" was first reported on Sunday, Aug. 2, 1970 by neighbors who said it appeared to be hanging from the sky. Neither the police nor local townsfolk who came to see it after being reported in the Caldwell Progress could figure out what it was or where it was coming from. To some, it appeared to be a giant strand hanging from the clouds. Mrs. Smith thought it might be a direct line from the Martians. Others theorized it was a line dropped from a blimp that was cruising the West Essex skies. The thread was rigid with about a two-pound strength and appeared to be silver when the sunlight would strike it. It appeared over the houses of Forest and Hillside for a week. The Caldwell police tried to track it down, but lost it in the clouds before finding its source. Dozens of curiosity seekers converged on the area for the next week. Eventually the thread became loose, then disappeared. Whatever the material was made of, or came from, was never solved. It was reportedly brought to Dupont for analysis, but the company could not determine its origin.

Image source.

Even More Masks

More wonderful masks and displays from Mask Fest.

Click here to see more at message boards.

Thanks, Randy, for the link!

The Haunted Driveway

They're Fun, They're Frightening, And They Glow In The Dark

Some great photos from a recent convention an attendee uploaded to the forums: Mask Fest 2011

Click below:

The Ward: Opening Titles

Someone posted the opening titles to John Carpenter's new horror film, scored by Mark Kilian.
I dig it, but it makes me wonder what Carpenter himself would have composed. I miss his minimalistic masterpieces. Seems like horror scores these days are all over the place with trying to orchestrate every knife slash or punch or grab with bombastic cues or heavy guitars and drums. Carpenter knew that a cue didn't need to be ten feet thick to make the scene work.

Click below to watch:

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Hook

"Would you like to come in and have some cocoa?"
she asked.
"No," he said, "I've got to get home."

He went around to the other side of the car to let her out. Hanging on the door handle was a hook.

From Scary Stories Treasury.

The Wicked Wicked West

The Wicked West Ghost Town of Jose Ramon Ave.


I love the Crustacean.

Stake Land

Been reading a lot of great things about this film. And it has a score by Jeff Grace. Click here for a (rated R) teaser trailer.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011


This cemetery doesn't discriminate.

Image by timhortonscoffee.


At Katzper's Haunt.

Word Of The Dead

Looks like there's a chance that Stephen King and his son will be penning an episode of AMC's The Walking Dead. Pretty excited about that. King's ensemble paranoia and claustrophobia would be perfect for that series.

Click below for more info (not much more though):

Grimsley Cemetery


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Now Playing: Heist

By Ror Shak.

Click below:

Of Moths And Men

There are bright street lights in that area, which gave the boys a good glimpse of what they called "the strangest guy we've ever seen." Yanchitis commented later to investigators. "He was standing behind that fence. "I don't know how he got there. He was the biggest man I ever saw."
"James nudged me," Marvin Munoz reported to police, "and said, 'Who's that guy standing behind you?' I looked around and there he was... behind that fence. Just standing there. He pivoted around and looked right at us... then he grinned a big old grin."

Image by GreenEyedMonster88.

Text source.

Shadow Hunger

Image by Lynn_EL/UnaOdd.

The Birth of Man-Eating Robots

What we have here is a belt. The white thing is a belt that's covered in honey. So it operates just like standard flypaper. Flies would be attracted to that honey. They'd land on the belt, get stuck, as you can see it is moving down very, very slowly, and right underneath here there's a blade and the blade scrapes off any insects that have become stuck to the honey. They fall into the microbial fuel cell underneath. And this is the device that turns that organic matter into electrical energy.

Click below:

More Grickle

Transworld 2011

One of these years I'm going to go to this Halloween expo.
Click below for a slideshow featuring a ton of the props displayed at the convention.
I apologize in advance for the music.

Survival Rules

The clips actually look like it'll be a fun movie.

Watch them at Dread Central.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Now Playing: Silent Hill

Watched the film last night, so here's a quick playlist I put together with some extended tracks from Silent Hill.

Click below: