Monday, May 17, 2010

A Haunted Eve

Looks like Haunted Eve might be making some changes this year.
Click below.


JHMDF said...

well that stinks...

Jack Oh' Lantern said...

I agree...oh well...

Anonymous said...

Oh no! I've been following them for years and look forward to every early November to see their new genius display.

I understand how they feel though...we've been doing a "haunt" (I guess you could call it that, but ours isn't even in the same league as yours or theirs) for about 5 years now. Last year we moved...not only to a new house, but a new city and state too. I had the same apprehensions about what to expect on Halloween, but decided to execute our "haunt" as planned. Most likely because Halloween was on a Saturday and there really was no excuse not to. I was pleased to see that not only did we have more trick or treaters than years prior, but that the surrounding neighborhood was more into Halloween in general than our last neighborhood.

I hope that they find a good turn out this year and that will re-inspire them to keep churning out great ideas. And if not, I really hope it doesn't discourage them to keep haunting in the future. I think at the end of the day, you gotta do what you love...if they (trick or treaters) come, great, if not, you still get to express yourself and cherish each Halloween memory. And who knows? Maybe their passion will ignite and inspire others to participate. I guess that's the best that haunters can hope for, because I believe that there are probably others out there that decide not to haunt because no one else is.