Friday, October 22, 2010

Ghost Cat

Image by zerodegreesk.


Anonymous said...

Great pic!

Prudence Deer said...

Coolness. I have a bunch of pics of my black cat checking out pumpkins but none as cool as this. That cat's on life number 10.

Damian Michael AKA HalloweeNut said...

What is it about haunters being cat people? I have two! How 'bout you, Rot? You have any cats?

Anonymous said...

Crap. I must not be classified as a haunter then.I have a 100lb black lab. :(

Even though I think he is a dog from hell.

Rot said...

Maybe he once ate a cat?
That counts.

Anonymous said...

That could be possible....He'll eat anything!

Rot said...

Welcome to the Feline Haunters Club.

NoahFentz said...

First generation of cats we had three. Two of them lived to 23 years old. We are now on our second generation of cats. They are brothers. The crossed eyed one's name is Riff Raff. They love my basement....

JHMDF said...

I have 3 fur balls.

Jennifer MacNeill said...

What a wonderful photo!