Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010: Creepshow

And now for something completely different.

Click the image for this year's video slide show of my Haunt which took place over the last couple of months.

Below the image you'll see the button which will take you to my 2010 gallery page. My recommendation is to view the video first and then to view the pics.

Or click here for the youtube video

Did you watch the video?


Jennifer MacNeill said...

That was amazing. You are the master of macabre!

Anonymous said...

DUDE! That was F**CKING great!

It is really hard to pick a favorite,Everything was really cool. I really like the abandond factory with the zombies walking around.

You really went into detail this time.

It was worth the wait.....wonderful!

JD said...

Friggin cool!!! The one with the green eyes looks like an evil version of a jawa from star wars

JD said...

Almost forgot: happy Halloween Pumkinrot!!!!!!

Rot said...

Thanks, all : )

Wikkedmoon said...

I am partial to the pumpkin heads in the cornfield. Thanks for the thrill.

Rot said...

Happy Halloween, JD!

An evil jawa : D

I've been calling them the Pumpkinrot Tinies (after Edward Gorey's Gashlycrumb Tinies).

I intend to finish the alphabet with a bunch of tiny monsters.

Grim said...

I love it! Great job, as always... Happy Halloween!

Unknown said...

Awesome, my fav has to be the skeleton guys at the old warehouse. Watching the video was a sweet ending to my halloween weekend! Oh and I have to say the halloween spirits must love me, Finally found the pumpkin pie poptarts!!!! They are so delicious. Happy Halloween Rot!

Damian Michael AKA HalloweeNut said...

I'm still a little confused: were all those (AWESOME) props in one yard display, or just photographed overtime? Either way, there great characters. Hope you had a happy Halloween!

Rot said...

I took the yard out of yard haunting this year. Each photo set was a different story. 13 different locations were used and the shoots occurred over the last two months.

NecroBones said...

Man, this is freaking awesome. I loved the B&W styling of the video, with the on-location shoots. The zombies in the old warehouse looked great, and I absolutely LOVED seeing the bog men in the water. Very wonderfully creepy! Congrats, this really rocks!

Anonymous said...

My dear friend Rot, I am completely and utterly lost for words. This is TOTALLY the most A-M-A-Z-I-N-G thing you have ever made! I can't believe my eyes!!!

First off, the Pumpkin Sentinels. Fantastically creepy. You told me in an email that there wouldn't be a pumpkinhead in sight this year. Cheeky...

Now, those zombies outside the factory. I recall you saying how you want to hang your wind ghost out in public, well this has taken that to a whole new level. They are DISGUSTING! I wish i was a passerby. I would have cried.

You NEED TO make a movie. We NEED this type of zombie on the screen. The type with huge gaping holes for noses. The type that's exposed teeth clack as their bony feet scrape across the pavement. The ones that have been dead and buried for a long, long time. Terrifying.

The way the just seem to just wander aimlessly in these photos is just like a zombie movie. But with better zombies. MUCH better zombies. They are jaw-dropping.

They yard display is also awesome. It's simple, yet stunning. That ghost in the gravestones just blew my flappy bit of plastic sky-high. And I hope that this is your house this time, because I will be tracking it down.

And then there's Jenny Greenteeth. Thats kind of personal. When I was little, we had this fantastically isllustated book about fairies and monsters. They had some of the creepiest fairies ever. Including Jenny Greenteeth, who my sister was TERRIFYED of. Really, TERRIFYED. I love the sticks protruding from it's back. And those long, thin fingers splayed out under the murky water. The black, wet cheescloth hair looks really, reeeaaallllllyyyy cool. A while back you did a post on recycling your props. Mrs Greenteeth's head is the same one used for one of the victims, hanging fronm the tree, in the corn witch display, am I right?

The Sleepy Hollow pumpkin is pretty cool, and that photo of the skull with her jars is great.

Finally, the PumpkinRot Tinies. Such a cool idea.

Akrid - I love the used of the vintage-style mask and candy basket (are those sticker sheets in it?). Reminds me of one of your corn witch victims, the one with the bashed open skull. Probably the same head.

Bretchen - I really dig the utra long witches hat and the puke-green face.

Crimm - Really very cool, looks like a little version of your phantom from 2007.

And Darq - ultra creepy. Like some sort of twisted, undead slasher movie villian. I you can do the whole alphabet, I will be floored.

I would love to see a little Pumpkinrot Tinies book. You are sure to get the rights, they are just too cool to say no to. Which brings me to Haunt Theory.

I am really, really, really, really excited for that book now. Extra ultra double bazooka excited.

Thank you for making my day (or month). And sorry for making this so long. said...

insane scope.
you are the master.
My favorite is the swamp creature with the skinny fingers...waiting to pounce on someone who walks too close.
wonderful twist on the haunt.

John Rozum said...

Happy Halloween!

I'm looking forward to perusing the video and photos for this year's haunt, but now I've got to get some much needed sleep. I'll pop in tomorrow.

Thanks for keeping the Jack O'Lantern lit all year long.

Pam Morris said...

absolutely fantastic--music perfect, as well. I think my favorites are the zombie guys in the old abandoned warehouse setting but the skelly in the water was outstanding, too. very creepy...just are definitely a master, rot!

Valhella said...

You continue to be an evil genius!
The images are fantastic and the creatures! wow, I will likely not be able to go near water anytime soon.
or factories.
and the skeleton wraith is eerily beautiful and lifelike.
Thank you for sharing your masterpieces!

Sara said...

Wow, really wonderful. The details are amazing, the traditional aspects are there and I LOVE them(especially the ghost on the door) and the photography was beautiful! I am really glad you waited to show us this.

I am glad I watched the video first, but I adore the gallery photos. So cool. I want some cards with those images printed on them! Really, really neat! And creep. Darq(sp?) is seriously disturbing.

Did you still dress up as Michael and hand out candy to all of the ToTers?

OctoberHaunt said...

Amazing. Each of these photo shoots capture different elements of the season. And without speaking a word, they are each telling a story. With your final photo at the covered bridge, I am hearing hoofbeats in the distance.

Job well done for all the time and effort this must have taken and congrats! Thank you for this Halloween gift.

K.O. said...

WHOA THAT IS SO COOL! What a perfect way to end my Halloween night: with the unveiling of your 2010 masterpiece(s)!!!! Truly awesome. Happy Halloween!!!! Your creativity and talent are inspiring.

Unknown said...

Absolutely stunning, iconic, memorable and beautiful images. The covered bridge and the smashed pumpkin one alone is a piece of art.

I also wanted to thank you for including me in your amazing site. I feel very privileged, thank you.

Arcane said...

UNREAL!! The video was a blast to watch. So many evil creatures combined with creepy locations that only you can pull off. Amazing!

Dio said...

Perfectly beautiful, and everything that Halloween should be.

The ghoul in the water is even more disturbing than the creatures outside the factory, in a way that I love being disturbed!

Darkrose Manor LLC said...

Wow... just wow! You never cease to amaze any of us. Thank you for your amazing creativity and artistry!

HerStrangeKind said...

How wonderful everything is! I love all of the different sites you used, did you set up and strike each set the same day? I can't get out of my head the reactions people would have to your props if they just come across them randomly..if I was out for an afternoon stroll and saw the swamp creature I might never go outside again! Gahhh!

The video and photos are amazing. Would be lovely to be able to purchase a print of some of those images.

Mantan Calaveras said...

Awl hail da King, aul hayle theh King, owl heyl deh King O' Halloween. Of Hallowe'en, they all hail de King ohv Hallowe'en.

Jon Glassett said...

I'm speechless.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god. tell me bretchen ain't the tin man.

Rot said...

: D

Nope. Tin Man is still nice and safe in the cellar.

Goneferalinidaho said...

My favorite is the skull witch in the tree with the witch jars. Amazing job. Several photo shoots sounds like an amazing time. I've literally taken hundreds of my yard and had a blast with each one. I'm going to take my time to pour over yours. I'd better get some of my own up today!

Johnny said...


Drop Gallow said...

Yeah, I was going to comment but it appears everything that can be said has been said ... so, I'll just go with : lovely.

Just lovely.

Jason-v said...

WOW WOW W O W!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love it Rot!! Great work!!!!!!!!!!!

Kenneth Mark Hoover said...

Great work as always. Stunning, artistic horror.

Anonymous said...

that's a releif. it got the same type of jaw. i should really put up my haunt photos now.

Anonymous said...

Holy Tarra says,"As usual, Rot,.....Unbelievably awesome, amazing, inspiring and F**CKING SCARY! You just keep raising the bar. You are the King! I can't pic a favorite....they are all wonderful!"

Stephanie D said...

After seeing AMC's The Walking Dead this am (DVR'd of course), the warehouse scene really creeped me out.
Second creepiest--that little thing with the green glowing eyes. I'll take tall monsters any day over quick-moving, almost-seen little things.
And your swamp gal? Gotta wonder about her fate.....

JHMDF said...

Come on man... that was just to good. The zombies at the factory???... really? was to perfect looking... and Jenny Greenteeth??... could be one of your creepiest props yet. Who are you and what planet are you from?

So so spectacular Rot... you have truly taken the yard out of yard hauntng and I think you have struck new ground in being a "home haunter"... by leaving your home. Can't wait to see more pic's of the teenies and watch the alphabet continue. I know you have done on site photo shoots with props before, but I think seeing this many in such different locations made it that much more amazing. I hope you continue this method of haunting, because it has no bounds my friend.

Good job.

"Strublay" said...

Wow. I'm loving all of the photo sets. This is great work. I love the Tiny Monsters, especially Akrid, I love the strips of candy buttons in Akrids Pail, and his neon devil mask. Cool little details like that make me smile.
Beautiful work man.

Hopsy the beer drinking clown said...

Phenomenal, what a cool concept-doing several different photo shoots at such creepy locations. There is something about ol' Jenny Greenteeth lurking in the mire, love it! All that and a little Edward Gorey tribute, brilliant!

SkullandBone said...

Fuggin love it! I love the mobile haunt content =).

The Captain said...

HOLY SHIT MAN! Every year I wait to see what you'll do and I think "oh he can't top this or that from last year". But HOLY SHIT, this was huge and amazing.

Jenny Greenteeth is my new favorite prop of yours. I think its because she looks so perfectly at home in the water, and she's creepy as hell.

I don't even know how to express how impressive you stuff is this year! All I can come up with is "HOLY SHIT".

The Gill-Man said...

Truly stunning work, Rot! I'm not sure if Crimm or Jenny Greenteeth takes my top spot! Oh, and the zombies! Those guys are truly fantastic in every way. Just mind-blowing, really. Fantastic work!

Johnny said...

Been listening to that album non-stop. Great find! Thanks.