Monday, November 7, 2011

The Merriman Cemetery 2011

More images at the brainskillet blog.


Brian M said...

Thanks again for the post Rot!

Goneferalinidaho said...

I liked all of the pics at the link, especially the overall red light reaper with the "blair crows".

Colleen said...

From the little tidbit I see here.. it looks like a great display. The kid mannequin on the deck is scary as hell!

MorbidMariah said...

Ooo, there's some really great stuff in these pics! I love the creepy kid/mannequin thing and tall reaper guy...just fantastic!

NecroBones said...

Man, that is some creepy stuff right there.

NoahFentz said...

yeah...the mannequin child is creepy...just saying "mannequin child" gives me chills...

Great pics!!

Joel said...

Wow, these props are beautiful. Those two ghouls with the baby carriage and dead flowers - are you kidding me? So eerily sad. Definitely going to check out this blog.

wicKED said...

That first pictures with what looks like a mother and child ghost at a tombstone... man that sends chills down my spine. This is a really great haunt!

Pam Morris said...

wow what a cool haunt. love the faces on the ghouls, the hands as well and the mannequin is amazingly creepy. if I was a kid, I'm not sure I'd go up on that porch to get some candy.

Colleen said...

Me too Pam. If I was a kid that's one house I'd skip. No joke.

The Creeping Cruds said...

That mannequin is freaking me out!
Finally post my haunt pics..
Enjoy- Jeano