Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Johnson Smith Catalog

The bible of my youth...

Image source.


NoahFentz said...

I still have my Starfleet Manual that I had ordered from them. I regret not getting the Phasers now...

Anonymous said...

YES! Mine too...

Mark Faucett said...

Man, that takes me back Rot... Most of the time I could not afford such luxuries in my youth but I remember dreaming of the havoc I could create with each little ad.

Mike said...

I once saved my money up for months and created this huge (from a kids perspective) order from their actual several page catalog they send you of all their products once you buy something from their comic book ad. I waited for weeks and nothing ever came. My dad told me, at the time, it must have gotten lost in the mail. I later found out (as an adult) he never sent the order because he thought it was a waste of money. I was a bit sad to find that out.

Rot said...

Hope you got your cash back : ) said...

@Unknown, So horrific!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I just had a flashback. I have forgotten about this....

@ Unknown, I would have become a fatherless child if that happened to me. :)