Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Thrown Voices From Hell


girl6 said...

.Heavenly!!! i just watched the clip & totally agree, these guys are an important part of americana history. some are from the 1800's, blows my mind. wow, i can only imagine the stories that each one of these little guys could tell. i've always always been a fan of magic & monsters, how dull the world would be without em. diggin up the marrow really hit the nail on the head with that, especially all the scenes with the horror masters talking about what monsters meant to them, very touching.<333

anyways...makes me long for my danny o'day... : (
& thanks pop for giving me one of the great loves of my life & for always being sucha a wonderful muse...x0x

girl6 said...

cause someone will probably come along & go EWWWW!!!
HAHAHAHA!!!...whatevers...that's life..<3
but, my idols get it & ya can't get better than that.

Erik J.A. said...

These are very cool! The Vent Haven Museum, which is dedicated to ventriloquist dummies, is just 5 minutes from my home. From their site,,

"Vent Haven Museum is the only museum of its kind in the world. It houses more than 800 figures, thousands of photographs, playbills, letters, and an extensive library of vent- related books, some of which date back to the 1700’s. On June 30, 1973, Vent Haven Museum was officially opened to the public with the dedication of the W.S. Berger Memorial Building. Ventriloquist legends Edgar Bergen and Jimmy Nelson performed for all who attended the ceremony.

Today, more than a thousand people visit Vent Haven each year. The museum hosts an annual international ConVENTion, for more than 600 ventriloquists. As a result of the foresightedness of W.S. Berger, Vent Haven is a permanent institution, open to the public and dedicated to the art of ventriloquism.

girl6 said...

HAHAHHAHAHA!!!!....the best.

Anonymous said...

O.K. That is an awesome collection. Like Girl6 said, imagine the stories they could tell. But..........

Imagine being in that room. Alone, with ALL of those guys/gals. Just looking at you.

I know I would hear little woody limbs moving somewhere........

girl6 said...

yes, ALL those pairs of eyes
burning bright outta the dark night
the pitter patter of tiny feet
soft little giggles escaping their lips
AS....petite hands close round your throat. : D

honestly tho,
thanks JS for always trying to see Both sides.
it never goes unnoticed with me.. : )

Vintage Seance said...

So creepy!

Willow Cove said...

I agree with JS, tiny wooden hands anywhere near my neck will result in roundhouse kicks across the room. Even if it's an antique.

girl6 said...

& this classic clip from seinfeld.
mr. marbles...hahahaha!!