Thursday, November 2, 2017

One Part Pride; One Part Shame

You know the Shop And Bag out by the mall? She stopped at the light and saw him walking in that field behind the Lost River Drive-In. Julie said he was so creepy.
Halloween II

So, on Halloween night, about 10:25PM, an adult in old dark coveralls with what appeared to be six bullet holes and a very authentic-looking Michael Myers mask, was spotted walking in my neighborhood.  The speed was right.  The minimum arm movement was right.  The looking-straight-ahead-like-he-could-walk-through-walls (and glass hospital doors) was right.

Just walking straight, like he had a purpose, and a destination, in mind.

An older guy taking out the trash spotted him first.  And he seemed to hurry back up to his porch (no doubt looking out from the window once safely inside).  A car approached, and lingered at a stop sign, probably wondering why an adult would still be in costume, and walking alone on an empty street.  And in such an odd manner.  The car drove away. 

Two other cars drove past as well.  One slowing almost to a stop.  No telling if any adults or children spotted this man, this guy, from their windows.  I'd like to think it gave some extra Halloween magic in the last few hours of Halloween. 

That guy was me, of course.  And I've wanted to do this ever since I hung up my Michael Audrey Myers costume from the days I'd sit on my parents' porch, slowly handing out candy,... a dark figure with a pale face.

Here's the costume I was sporting...I have to admit, I felt a little like Mr. Myers,
walking in a field, behind the Lost River Drive-In.


joy said...

lol...I bet you scared the crap out of people!!!
way to go!!! you are the best!

Mr Black said...

We have a guy on our street who has done this every year for ten years. he is very committed to the performance.

Rot said...


"the best" = Whacko

Anonymous said...

THAT is so great. I’ve always wanted to do something like that, but am afraid to get arrested or something.

You might of just gave me that final push to do it.......

Ragged Grin said...

The Shape, loose in Rotville. I had the theme playing through a little Bose speaker hidden in my cauldron. It was awesome...I am such a nerd.

Cole said...

Used to wander the streets in costume in my neighborhood all the time.

Got married, went to the in-laws, instant cops called.

Haven't revisited that idea since.

Primwitch69 said...

You have reached a whole new level of cool in my book.

Holy Tarra said...

You are so crazy! Try not to get shot...okay, Rot!?

Sara said...

The whole time I'm reading I kept thinking, yup Halloween is when the whackos come out. LOL.
Glad you got to live the dream on Halloween night Mr. Myers!

We closed down a neighborhood and were the last to leave. As we were crossing the street an adult or teen dressed in the Scream outfit (except it wasn't exactly the Scream face but similar) came lumbering across the street towards us. I'll admit. That was weird. He had a sack and went to the house behind us to trick or treat but he wasn't a small child. And after we drove off, he was the last person on this huge block of houses. Creep.E.

SpookshowJoe said...

The blackest eyes... the devil's eyes.

Autumnleaf said...

We got one of those! He was very in-character as he walked up. I complimented him and gave him the goods. A very polite 'Thank You' came out...which sort of ruined the performance up until then but then again who can resist a middle-aged lady in a witches hat handing out generous amounts of candy in front of a 20 foot inflatable cat with a Cheshire Cat grin?

The Creeping Cruds said...

Haha great stuff!
I knew that’s what Rot looked like.
There’s house out in the country outside of Nashville. They don’t do any pumpkins or hay bails etc. just Michael Myers standing there.
It’s wuite effective..

Goneferalinidaho said...

That was the perfect thing for you to do.

Amy said...

Awesome..I've been doing this for the past 10 years, but not quite that late. It's usually 8:30 or so, but you definitely get a cool feeling. Straight ahead no matter what..just keep walking.

Liz Dearth said...

This post does make me giddy happy! :) I need to examine why since he's a psychopath. :( But its all in the magic of Halloween! :) I saw the headless horseman one year! Driving through a neighborhood around 6:30 on my way home from work, I was hoping to glimpse some ToT-ers. Then this person on horse back just burst into the street and pranced around, jackolantern in hand. It was frikkin amazing! I love it when people do this! I did a decent Frakenstein this year. :) I got some people who took their kids pictures with me! I Hope it made their Halloween more special! I know it makes me happy!

Rot said...


yeah, i just kept thinking of some person looking out the window and being unnerved...
and those cars that slowed...if they thought it was funny, they probably would have yelled "MICHAEL!" but nothing...not even a rolled down window.


Wikkedmoon said...

The "real" Rot, finally unmasked.

Rot said...

Think of me like HalloweenBatman...only not.

Wikkedmoon said...

OK - totally unrelated topic, but for you, who is the real Batman? For me, it's always gonna be Michael Keaton.

Rot said...

George Clooney all the way.

TOTALLY joking

I feel too mainstream to say this, but i'm saying Christian Bale...

Mike V. said...

Good for you. That's the best way to enjoy the holiday. My father came to the door to greet trick or treaters one year just with a huge scar across his forehead, he was partly bald and the kids didn't know what to say or do. I keep up the tradition by working the school haunted house at the Halloween party. I work the line of people waiting to get in. I live near Bane haunted House in Livingston I was thinking of maybe working there part time next year. It is the greatest job to frighten people. Rot you are making scary memories for anyone who saw you that night. Keep up the amazing work. You are truly a talent.

K.O. said...

I love this more than anything ever!!! It's so awesome that you did it!! Very cool.

wicKED said...

That is awesome! What I wouldn't give to witness this in person!