Saturday, November 11, 2017

The Barn Haunt 2017:​ ​Doomsday

Man, this is really great.  I've always marveled at the weird notion of bomb shelters and any kind of doomsday prepping.  I'm more of a breathe-in-the-nuclear-fumes kinda guy.  Why on EARTH would you want to linger in a hole in the ground with your loved ones, as they look at you like those two guys in a raft in a very old Bugs Bunny cartoon would look at you (seeing you as a delicious piece of food)...

Bravo on this Haunt.  Looks incredible.
And True Story:  Back when I was working on MR. JONES, I was trying to find a gas mask to make an organic/found objects scarecrow and figured the fusion of mask and organics wouldn't really work that well together.  This Haunt proves I was wrong.

More images here.


Rot said...

and click on the blog link at thehauntedbarn site. a bunch of photos there too.

Anonymous said...

Doomsday haunt, what a GREAT idea.

Very cool.

Rot said...

suggested listening while flipping through the photos:

wicKED said...

A completely different vintage Halloween. I get a 50's vibe from this. Wonder if he had a unique sound track for this haunt?

Willow Cove said...

Wow, the one in the chair, the blood on the phone, and those three scarecrows.
Yeah a post apocalyptic, mad max haunt is a cool concept.
But very dark and gritty, like The Road.

Ragged Grin said...

I love this...

Plus it answers the very question you mentioned regarding organics and the masks.

As a veteran, for years I've had this Sgt Rock concept bouncing around my sketchbooks and been uncertain whether it would work. I'd more or less decided on a way to portray it, basically focusing it on the POV of the enemy as "we" are moving in on them after having been exposed to nerve agent.

Very, very cool haunt

J said...

wicKED, I had an emergency broadcast announcement playing over and over until you came to the guy with the phone. The announcement would stop and a phone ringing sound would start. It worked pretty well but I found that it was too subtle. Like the sound of a phone ringing is so common that no one thought it weird. Just my thought on it. I personally dislike phones. I like it just fine to look at Rot's site or any other thing I want to look up or buy, or to check my banking, but as soon as it rings I never want to answer it.
Thanks for posting and commenting Rot. Love seeing everyone's work.

Rot said...

Sounds really cool.
I like the phone ring idea.

The steam from that pipe..must have looked amazing with the red flashing siren.

girl6 said...

that's really scary & very gloomy. it's that sorta sparseness that makes you feel helpless, kinda frantic. like a feeling of doom. brrrrrrrr!!!

i think sometimes the sound of a ringing phone can feel/sound horrifying. like it can make your heart skip a beat & feel like it's sinking. like something REALLY Bad is on the other end of that ringing sound. it knows you're there & it's just waiting for you to answer. makes you feel sick's THE dread.