Saturday, December 15, 2018

Behind The Scenes

Theo snapped a bunch of behind-the-scenes photos of the display and I remember thinking "Well no one's ever going to see THOSE shots."  But now that some time has passed, the idea started to grow on me.  So here's one showing the cardboard beams of the CHURCH and the crude lighting for the moonlight.

Note the tree sticking out of the lawn next to that rotten pumpkin on the left.. staged.  I recall looking down the street and seeing Theo dragging a pile of vines in one hand and a thin dead tree in the other. 

Photos by Theo.


Theo said...

this made me smile... I didn't think YOU'D ever post these at least!
I'm spotting the stereo in the bushes AND the fog tube in the shadows.
but isn't that the glory of haunting?

that tree was such a score... remember that dreadful one we first tried to set up by the entrance?

Lady M said...

Yes - I was hoping for a picture of Rot! Your adoring public wants to see your face.

Rot said...

sadly, Theo made a blood oath. ha

Anonymous said...

Theo has seen the forbidden, seen what others shall not see.

For those who see the king of Halloween, their souls will be ripped from their fleshy bodies and forced to wander in torment for eternity.......


VenomStorm said...

Mind. Blown. Very cool. Not what I imagined at all. And cardboard church pieces! Funny how one makes assumptions. First of all they look like real wood. But second, I built my own graveyard fence this year out of pallet wood, so I automatically assumed you used pallet wood for the beams of the church. Great shot.

Willow Cove said...

Yeah, I can totally see Rot making Theo sign a contract to never post a picture of him. Just throw us a bone, Theo, does he have a mullet? Jorts, and birkenstocks? Maybe, you can have a police sketch artist do a rendering of him!

and now i can imagine him wearing a brown paper bag the whole time ;)

Anonymous said...

Hahaha WC.

Rot wearing cut off jean shorts, tank top, and sporting a mullet. I almost spit out my drink........

Theo said...

nah... none of the above I'm afraid. jeans and shirt/tee kinda guy.

but the most pronounced butt-chin I've ever seen. like a CHASM. really quite astonishing.

and uncomfortably long fingernails... not in a rough caveman sorta way... they'd probably look great on a woman with some bright red nail polish or something. but just strange on an otherwise normal dude.

hope this comment gets approved

Willow Cove said...

Alright, so we got a Thomas Jane (The Punisher) and Lou Cipher (angel Heart). Cool, Rot. You sound handsome....

Rot said...

Thanks, bud. You should see me peel an egg shell.

Sara said...

The fingernail comment reminds me of that movie, Doubt with Phillip Seymour Hoffman. Fr. Flynn says, " “See? Look at my nails. They’re long, I like them a little long, but look at how clean they are. That makes it okay”