Monday, December 24, 2018

NORAD Santa Tracking

I suspect Santa must have a time-altering/temporal distortion device, but it's nice to see that NORAD is on top of the situation...


Rot said...

the radar graphics suggest this is more like a carpet-bombing of gifts and not a personalized Santa visit to each house. Makes sense, especially if each gift is in some kind of time distortion bubble.

Anonymous said...

I used to use this when my daughter was little. It worked every time, she would check on his position and she would go to bed when he was getting close.
Then I would go to our fireplace and throw a bunch of that fake snow in there so she would see it in the morning.

I guess Santa got tired of going into each house, so he has a new and improved sleigh. Open the Bombay doors and dump the presents on the houses.

He also doesn’t go into the houses anymore cause he probably gets crappy stuff to eat instead of cookies...........

Sara said...

Do yourselves a favor :

Rot said...

god, that was incredible


Anonymous said...

I found that yesterday.

Perfect Santa ever.