Friday, February 4, 2022

Spooky Fresh

I thought this short was fantastic.  Such a neat style and loved the characters.  Directed and written by Justin Yngelmo & AJ LoCascio.

Click below...


Lady M said...

Wow this is great - loved everything about it. The sets, the characters, the credits. So fun. I am gonna have to share this on my blog. Hope you don't mind that I am copying you.

Rot said...

Share away!

Undeadpumpkinbread said...

This was adorable! I loved all the little details in his bedroom. The animation style was so charming.

Rot said...

It was such a unique form of animation. And I love the characters.

Willow Cove said...

Wow! This is great!. There needs to be more. You're right, such a unique form of animation. So many styles blended together perfectly.

Revenant Manor said...


The only flaw is that there isn't more of it.

Caffeinated Joe said...

That was wonderful!

Rot said...
