Friday, May 19, 2023

One Of Those Photos

A great example of a perfect moment of Halloween being captured by a camera...  

Fog-filled, chilly night air.  
Dark figures in costume.  
Glowing skulls and climbing skeletons.

A holiday completely devoted to the Spooky.  After all these years it still mystifies me.  Probably the reason Halloween feels so new and exciting all the time.  It's baffling, really.  There are small artificial cemeteries on front lawns... giant spiders resting in giant spider webs - spiders with glowing red eyes.  There are bats and ghoulish things hanging from strings.  And sometimes... there are skeletons playing cards at a small table.  Or one walking a small skeleton dog.  Mystifying.

As we enter the hot months of the year, it's nice to think about these things.  About IT coming - HALLOWEEN.  About pumpkins growing and corn getting tall and crunchy.  And about millions of big green leaves that'll get tired, heavy... 
and colorful come Autumn.  


Autumnleaf said...

Nicely said. I like the idea of planting now for Halloween. It helps to pass the days of summer while growing towards the season.

Rot said...

Thanks : )
And yup, the growing season... vital for Halloween!

MR. Macabre said...

Fall really is my favorite time of year. When I was younger, I loved the Summer months, but not as much any more.

Haunted Eve said...

Yes that photo really captures the essence of Halloween night, my favorite night of the year.

Revenant Manor said...

This image really is perfect.

It’s almost impressionistic...colors and shapes without features, indistinct elements obscured by the fog. Yet, even in the absence of great detail, it still supplies a very clear sense of the environment.

A perfect Halloween setting captured here. But it’s true, the feeling captured and evoked here, and everything that led to it, really is a mystery.

And, like any good mystery, how, what, and why are all appropriate questions!

How does it work? How does it inspire people to create complicated displays, or to seek them out? How does it manage to make us look forward to the next one as soon as it ends?

What animates the feeling that it creates? What draws us to want to experience a feeling that borders on the ineffable? What motivates anyone to devote time, energy, and money to acquiring plastic skeletons and adorning their house with them?

Why does Halloween persist at all? Why are people drawn to it like moths to a flame? Why are they compelled to design creepy little vignettes, and display them on suburban lawns?

After much consideration of these things, I think there is only one possible solution to this mystery…

It’s because Halloween is actual magic.

Rot said...

I accept that as the official explanation.

K.O. said...

Thank you for the reminder! It is much appreciated now, as we stand on the precipice of the dreaded hot months. Something to look forward to.

Evil Vines Cemetery said...

Yes, RM is absolutely right! The only explanation is magic. Thanks for sharing that RM and this post Rot. Together we will make it through these hot months.

Mike C(JASONV123) said...

I feel this ❤️