Saturday, November 4, 2023

Daytime Spook House

The Haunt has been deconstructed and I'm currently going through photos to add to the gallery.  Wanted to post some daytime pics.


Haunted Eve said...

Mr. Haunted Eve here...
Loving both your day and nigh photos. Noticed your use of the orange string lights inside the corn stalks which creates a great contrast between the purple/blue hued light on the cornstalks. Also really love those standing candelabras. I counted 3 of them in your haunt. Are they a new addition to your haunt this year? I don't recall seeing anything quite like them in your previous haunts. They're really spectacular looking! Your haunts always have a cohesive "aged/ancient" organic look to them.

Rot said...

I really appreciate that! There is actually a fourth one kind of hidden by the corn stalk backdrop. They are new this year. I made them out of PVC pipe and plopped in some bright LED tea lights. I then aged them with my mache method. Was really fun building them. I don’t like symmetry, but it worked really well with the funeral scene.

MR. Macabre said...

You should charge admission to your haunt. It's smaller than a lot of others that I've seen, but no one else can achieve the level of detailing that you're able to accomplish. You are an artist of Halloween nightmares.

Rot said...

Haha thank you, Mr. M!
Free Forever!

olesamhain said...

Beautiful as always!!

Rot said...


Mike C(JASONV123) said...

I concur, id definitely pay to attend your haunt. On the other hand I'm sure people enjoy having something like this close by that's really stellar,And free.

Revenant Manor said...

Gorgeous images!

I always especially enjoy the daylight shots of the haunt with sunlight streaming in, and it works wonderfully in these.

Rot said...

Thanks, guys!

laode said...

+10 Spook House sign

Holy Tarra said...

Those shots of the coffin with the rays of sunlight radiating out are amazing!!! Always impressed with how great you haunt looks even in daylight. Beautiful work, Rot!

Rot said...

Thank you!

Jenna said...

Dreamy shots...

Evil Vines Cemetery said...

The rays of sunlight around the coffin, sigh.... These sunrise photos have been some of my favorites over the years. Makes any prop you have there look like it's basking in a glorious post-Halloween morning. Dare I say, even Heaven approves of your beautiful, beautiful haunt!

Rot said...

Thank you! I'd like to think we received that kind of approval! haha