Tuesday, March 19, 2024

No Man Shall See Me And Live

Typically, short horror videos are poorly acted and always seem to have a sudden jump scare as the final frame, and as the entire point.  And a lot of times they aren't short.

My brother sent me the below 7-minute video and despite my initial thought of "I DON'T HAVE SEVEN MINUTES!" (meanwhile I did, and I do), I found it to be really intriguing and genuinely creepy.  And a wonderful way to spend 7 minutes.

Click below...


Revenant Manor said...

Definitely don't want to say too much, but do want to say it's well worth seven minutes.

MR. Macabre said...

I've already seen it a few weeks ago, I occasionally go to the YouTube channel ALTER to check out their short films, most of them are very well done. I recommend checking them out.
This movie was very cool.

Rot said...

I will definitely check it out!

Evil Vines Cemetery said...

Excellent! That's the kind of scary I can watch.