Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Smell Like A [Halloween] Man

Sorry, ladies, this entry is for the guys. I've always had a problem trying to find a good cologne. Besides being insanely overpriced, I never seem to find a scent that I can imagine myself wearing, or wanting to smell all day. Thankfully a company that sells some peculiar-scented soaps also makes peculiar-scented oils. Here are some of the manlier scents that I own.

I've previously featured products by the Arcana company, but only recently have tried their oils - don't be alarmed that they refer to them as "perfume oils" - these things are oils. Cool-scented oils. Arcana will be releasing some new Halloween scents this fall. I simply cannot wait to see what they are.

Here's a link to a retailer from which I've ordered. GREAT and quick service from this fine company:
The Soap Box Company


Jon Glassett said...

Hilarious post! I love the tags.

Rot said...

HA! Yeah, it's hard sounding like a man when promoting scent. : )

Anonymous said...

There are some manlier scents under the "Sleepy Hollow" section of BPAL's limited edition Halloween scents:

I eagerly await their Halloween selection every year. Now you've given me a whole new retailer to explore.