Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Corn Witch


NecroBones said...

Dude, this looks awesome! Did you get some shots before sunrise? LOVE IT.

Mantan Calaveras said...

You've outdone yourself!


Sara said...

Very awesome. I stumbled onto your blog on the day you had a witch posted and they are still my favorite. Thanks for posting so early!!! wonderful pictures. She is really gruesome.

Anonymous said...

truly awesome!

Anonymous said...

These are sooo f**king great!!! I would of loved to walked down that walkway. The corn witch costume is CRAZY!!!

The Captain said...

Better and better every year. Thats a bummer about the weather. Is that you with a witch mask sitting on the steps?

Rot said...

It was GOING to be me...but my brother agreed to go into the suit...The head is actually a foot away from the wearer of the costume. It's attached to a baseball helmet. The lump from the "real" head is under that pointy part in the back...So the witch has a strange quality of being a little not-human.

Sean Covernton said...

That is absolutely beautiful! Too bad about the weather.

J.P. said...

Your brand of Halloween is truly unique and inspiring. It's contemporary enough to spook, yet rooted in all of the wonderful traditions that make this holiday so fantastic.


Ghoul Friday said...

It looks phenomenal.

Happy Halloween Rot :)

Anonymous said...

I love it!!! More pics, more pics!

jack-oh-lantern said...

Once again, you have done a fantastic job. Thank you for sharing with us. I check your site 3-5 times a week all year long. Have a great Hallowe'en!!!

The Captain said...

Brothers can be awesome sometimes, Happy Halloween to you and Bean

Grim said...

Very cool, everything looks great! Hope you guys had a Happy Halloween!


Rot and Bean, This is SO beautiful, thank you for sharing these photos! I'm so sorry you were rained out. It was in the 70s during the trick or treat hours here in California, which is nice, but it never has that wonderful autumn feel that there was when I lived in Michigan. My scarecrow this year was based on one of your sentinels, it was a hit! We had over 600 kids!

ZombieBob said...

Fantastic display as usual, Rot!
Happy Halloween to you and Bean!

suzanne said...

Wonderful photos! Wise decision to set up early. Happy Halloween :)

JHMDF said...

I think I've said this a few times now... but this is my favorite!

The Gill-Man said...

Absolutely stunning, as always! Rot, you've truly set the bar even higher. Wonderful Haunt, all the way around!