Friday, October 2, 2009


Well, the results are in and Tin Man came in fifth place. My lowest yet. Ironic since I actually thought he was a little more mainstream than previous years which placed higher. The viewing public voted and have spoken - and I have the light blue Honorable Mention ribbon to prove it.

He made two children actually cry. That's a pretty cool prize.

See the winners:
First Place.
Second Place.
Third Place.
Fourth Place (Honorable Mention).
Fifth Place (Honorable Mention).


Anonymous said...

Unbelievable.... alot of those so called scarecrows look like they were just thrown together, unlike yours looks like you put in alot of time

NA said...

I can't believe you did not win. Yours is just super creepy and fantastic.

Mark Harvey said...

Yours was the best...hands down.

Jon Glassett said...


Mikki said...

I am shocked!

Bob said...

Rot, what category were you in? When you look at the others, they really weren't scarecrows at all! They were just unoriginal corporate cartoon displays. Don't get me wrong I love Snoopy and PEANUTS more than the average person, and that Snoopy set up was pretty funny, but for originality, creativity and just plain Halloween awesomeness, yours can't be beat! It was a pleasure to actually get to see your work up close.


Rot said...

I usually enter the Traditional category, but I felt Tin Man wasn't exactly like a regular scarecrow like Johnny Appleseed or The Hollowman, so I put him in the Quite the Character category - a figure from TV or Film...

I'm actually shocked that the UP character didn't beat the Snoopy- Killing-Birds-With-A-Machine-Gun scarecrow.

Darkrose Manor LLC said...

BAH! As always, it should have been you, Rot! Should have been you...

Making the two kids cry though, now that's a definite win! :)

Anonymous said...

Not sure why the second place one was so high. Yours is the best out of all 5 of those entries, though. I LOL'd at the witch one.

NecroBones said...

Ridiculous. It's impossible to please those people without going full-cute. Are they forgetting what Halloween is?

Cindy Alderton said...

Nearly speechless am I... who the heck is judging this thing and what are they on? Your Tin Man was clearly THE WIN - have you made someone mad and been blacklisted? That's all I can think of are #1 ALL THE WAY!

Pam Morris said...

well, there's the public and then there's the public....the majority ain't always right...anyway, as far as I'm concerned there is absolutely no doubt your 'tin man' should have won; from an artistic point of view, there was no contest.

Mr. Macabre said...

Yep, you were robbed.

The house on the wicked witch should have been wasn't even a scarecrow in any sense of the word.

At least you scared some children, that's one good thing!

Rot said...

Thanks, everyone.
I appreciate it : )

Grim said...

We all know who the real winner was. I think it's like you said before, the day you win is when you've probably lost your touch.

I am glad that you keep doing what you do, and not conforming to what they want you to do.

Ghoul Friday said...

Looks like the people voting were of the front-yard-inflatable-decoration people.

You know your work is loved.

NoahFentz said...

Its just another example of how the majority has forgotten the tradition of Halloween. Keep pumping out those props, Rot.


joy said...

I am shocked.
Can't believe that you didn't win!
Looking at the probably lost points when the kids cried...even though being scared is what Halloween is about!!

Brad said...

It would probably take you about 5 minutes to whip up some piece of corporate junk that would win hands down. Thank God you create genuine art instead! Who judge's this thing anyway? Not one of the 4 'winners' were actual scarecrows!

Stephanie D said...

Obviously you were in the wrong contest, not category--those things wouldn't scare crows or anything else.

JHMDF said...

Well, He is one of your finest scarecrows man... and that all that really matters.

Goneferalinidaho said...

Halloween has turned into cute yard inflatables and "sexy" fill in the blank women's costumes. I intend to battle to the death!

RahneFan said...

That is just insane. I don't get it.

Johnny Love said...

You should design one that eats all the other scarecrows after the competition ends.

Simply amazing, as always.

Johnny Love

Jeff & Chris said...

Oh, there were awards...I was distracted by the crying children :D

You made children cry! Awesome!!!


Anonymous said...

Every year I check in to see how it went.....


your work is too good for this event.

Rot said...

Thanks, all : )

Was telling people at the office I'm going to make a Harry Otter scarecrow next year and take first place.

A wizard otter... I'll be rich.

Some of them believed me.

Autumnleaf said...

Rot, your creation is out of the others' league. Yours IS the best one! Keep up the fantastic work!

SeƱor Scary said...

The little sheep always follow the flock. However your design is the herder. Congrats on your actual #1 win.