Sunday, August 15, 2010

Home Goods Halloween 2010

Home Goods had their aisles decked for Halloween.

Picked up a few lanterns.


Anonymous said...

I need to go shopping with you two...

The Captain said...

You have totally different stuff at your Home Goods then we do. I need to go back because it didn't feel like they had gotten all that they were going to get. I like the ghost Tr'T in the 4th picture from the top it would go perfect with the pumpkin Tr'T that I bought at Home Goods they other day.

Christina said...

wow! We have nothing out in any store here in Vancouver :( Not even the dollar store, which usually has all the Halloween stuff out by now.

I love the lanterns!

Rot said...

We have a ton of stores that go all-out for Halloween.

Click the "Store Photos" tag and you'll see the ones we hit up every year.

We'll probably be going to a bunch this week. And I'll bring my camera : )

Vintage Seance said...

So down for Home Goods.

Josie said...

Just this past weekend I picked up purple glittered skeleton hands at Homegoods. I bought two venetian masks a couple of weeks ago and I plan on making another trip this Thurs. or Friday - They're always getting in new stuff!

The Gill-Man said...

Geez! Your Home Goods totally OWNS the one near me! They had a few Halloween items, but nothing all that exciting. Man, I'm diggin' those lanterns!!!

poopisan said...

I have something to look forward to now. Thanks for the photos. Every time I shop these things, I always think how much? I could make that for less. Then I just buy towels and aprons. I like your skellys better!
Just another fan and wanna be.