Friday, August 27, 2010

Pumpkin Ice Cream Is Here

And it was...

And it was bought...


Christina said...

Another thing I can't find here in Canada..Pumpkin Ice Cream..and I want to try it so bad!

Sara said...

Again, very jealous. Although if it's THERE, it must be HERE too right?

Also, totally making Pumkin Muffins this weekend. Found a can in my mom's cupboard that is good until 2012, lol. The stores won't carry it until closer to Thanksgiving, I imagine. What is up with that?

Goneferalinidaho said...

I used to get pumpkin frozen custard in college in Illinois, you just took me back 10 years.

Bob said...

Ok where is this? Looks awesome. There is a small place near me in Hatfield called Mom's that has soft serve AND hand dipped. The SS is awesome. They don't have a website but they have a FB page. Check them out here:

Rot said...

I'd love to try soft serve pumpkin ice cream.

The place is Shady Brook Farm.
They have a haunted hayride every year too which is pretty popular. Though I only went once and that was over ten years ago.

Anonymous said...

Told wife pumpkin ice cream is big smile on face!