Friday, August 27, 2010

Peddler's Village 2010

Peddler's Village had their Halloween best in their stores.

Came home with just this little guy.


Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

I have to move. The west coast is so lame when it comes to Halloween :(

Thanks for sharing, so much goodness there....hard to believe you only ended up with one (rather lovely) pumpkin.


Rot said...

Totally should move : )

Yeah, lots of self control. I had one of those neat lanterns in my hands, the ones hanging near all the hooks (in a store called Knobs and Knockers - awesome)...but put it back.

Such a cool breeze blowing today too. Going down to 60 tonight before we hit the 90s later in the coming week...I hate Summer.

Christina said...

That store looks amazing! I wish we had a store like that here.

That pumpkin is adorable!

Rot said...

It's actually a small village of different shops. So those photos are from a few different stores.

Sara said...

Love the fun candy display shots and I especially love the wooden house frame with fake candle and the vintage "Ghost Stories" print.

I love Halloween....

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to go there this year. Should be a great time. I'll be like a little kid in a toy store.

Can I get this?! Can I get this?!

My wife will have to put a leash and a muzzle on me.

By the it fall yet???

screaminscott said...

Wish there was a place like this in Dallas!

Goneferalinidaho said...

Boise has nothing like that. Michaels and Spirit are all we get. Good thing I'm here to represent the heathens!

BTW, What kind of camera do you use? I'm hating my new one.

Rot said...

I use an old Sony Cyber-shot... about four years old now. Only 5.1 megapixels, but I love it. And I love that it takes regular batteries too. The new ones have those rechargeable packs which are horrible for my photoshoots. Hopefully my two Sonys never give up the ghost.

Pam Morris said...

where do you find all these stores? all I can find around here is back to school stuff. I'm getting nutsy.

NoahFentz said...

Pennsylvania is so much cooler than New Jersey...

Anonymous said...

Where do you put all of your stuff? You must have so many shelves and surfaces in your home to display all of that great Halloween gear! Do you keep them on display all year round?
If you do, your awesome meter just red lined.

Rot said...

We're not kidding when we say it's Halloween 365 in this house : )

That stuff is out year-round.

We often wonder if it comes across as crazy (nothing Halloween-ish on the outside of the house)... I mean, if I walked into a house loaded with Christmas stuff in the middle of the summer, I'd be thinking CRAYYYYY ZEEEEEEEE.

But Halloween stuff is kinda just dark stuff...dark decor.

Eh, I'm just making excuses for a compulsion.

Ghoul Friday said...

You already know how I feel about these sorts of posts.

*purses lips*

Question: how was the owl supported? Was the perch suspended from the ceiling?

Rot said...

I think they were like large ornaments with giant black loops for hanging.

Each owl was about 5 inches tall.

Jennifer MacNeill said...

Awesome! Have to get there, maybe this weekend.

Wren said...

Snagged this :)

Rot said...

That's great!
It's super cool. And haven't seen anything like it.