Thursday, January 20, 2011

Video Awards Submission Deadline

Just a reminder that anyone who has a Haunt Video and wants to send it to be a part of the Collective, the deadline is January 31st.

Click below for details:


NoahFentz said...

Thank You for posting this Mr.Rot. Not quite sure why more haunters have not entered their videos. In past years there has been over 100 videos and this year I think its less than 20. I love waiting for these DVDs to arrive and sit and watch them for inspiration and ideas. Its just not the same watching them on Youtube.

Come on Haunters send in those videos. It dont matter if there is a fancy soundtrack or Hollywood style camera shots. It can be as simple as a slideshow of pictures.

Keep this Halloween tradition alive!! Send in those videos!!

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

Thank you so much! Husband and I are quite sad that we have so few submissions.....maybe everyone is just waiting until the last minute? :D

Again, thanks you are the best!


Pam Morris said...

well, I wish I would have videoed my haunt but I was so frazzled with 'the public' and not knowing what to expect that I only took still any rate, I look forward to seeing everybody else's!

Marrow said...

Does it matter if it is REALLY bad quality, as in youtube video quality? I only took videos with my Ipod.