Monday, February 28, 2011

Scary Stories Treasury

Stopped by a Borders book store this weekend. A going-out-of-business sale. I managed to get the Scary Stories collection for a crazy low price. All three books included in one hard cover edition.

And, of course, those wonderful illustrations by Gammell.

Look at that scarecrow-thing on the left. Wow.



Damian Michael AKA HalloweeNut said...

I remember as a kid, the drawings and sometimes mildly gross stories REALLY freaking me out.

Aron said...

I have all 3 of my originals from when i was a kid - all beat up and worn out. I started reading them with my daughter - good times. Probably one of my favorite childhood treasures!

Samhainn said...

Those books bring back so many memories for me. And I'm still haunted by the illustration and story of Harold...

Rot said...

I'll have to look that one up.

Samhainn said...

Let me know what you think when you read it, Rot. It's probably one of the most original and unnerving in the collection.

LizzyLovesSatan said...

The illustrations are so beautiful and the artist is absolutely talented, but they have ALWAYS completely TERRIFIED me. Especially the one of the girl, from the story about spiders hatching in her face (can't remember the name of the story) I can't even look at that picture! It creates such a visceral fear response, it really is crazy.
I bought one of these books once and got rid of it within a week, because I couldn't deal with having those pictures in my house -.-
These stories have always quite genuinely scared me, and they still do!

NoahFentz said...

Inspirational....could this be the next scarecrow in the making?

Vintage Seance said...

Awesome! I love those books dearly! It's so awesome to know that other people love Stephen Gammell's spooky illustrations as much as I do!

Countess VonRauber (Heidi) said...

Oh man, I used to LOVE those books! When I was a kid, all of my neighborhood friends would come over and we'd read these books over and over again in a dark room with a flash light... just like in the movies ;) I'd love to own them again =)