Friday, July 29, 2011

2011 Bountiful Acres Halloween

Hit up my favorite store by way of seasonal Halloween decorations and was surprised to see that they had already displayed a ton of stuff. With more on the way...

Going to definitely stop back again with cash and camera.

What we brought home...


House Bloodthorn said...

Nice stuff. That pumpkin ghost looks like it could've come right out of your garage. Your influence is spreading, my friend.

JHMDF said...

The pumpkin headed ghost/scarecrow is great! I made something similar to that a couple years ago.

Autumnleaf said...

I LOVE this featured it last year as well. I really like the glass holder you brought home but the grinning jackolantern next to it is to DIE FOR!

Jon said...

I think I have to get my hands on that owl.

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

I just have to say it again...I gotta move. There is nothing like that here....I feel so alone :)

Thanks for sharing as the pair of devil dolls. They just look like trouble!


Anonymous said...

Lov'in the pumpkin head ghost....

Vintage Seance said...

Fabulous! Totally love that owl!

Sara said...

I love the clown/cowboy/scarecrow pumpkin.Folksy, cute, Halloweeny. Love. <3

Marrow said...

So it has begun...

Yep, I too am in love with the pumpkin-headed ghost. Rot, you need to make a pumpkin-headed ghost. That'd be awesome.

The Gill-Man said...

I really wish we had a store like that here. Amazing stuff! I actually saw that same Pumpkinheaded scarecrow ghost at a shop here. I intended to go back for him when the season ended to get him discounted, but he was sold out by the time I got there. I'll just snag him for full price this year. Don't want to miss out!

K.O. said...

We went to that store last year (on your recommendation)! It was splendid.
I'm overjoyed to hear they already have their H'ween stuff out! Can't wait to take a day trip out there again when I get back to NY!

Anonymous said...

Now I remember seeing this place when we make a trip through Bucks county, will have to stop in the next time through.

I like Marrow's idea of a Pumpkinrot pumpkin headed ghost.....

Pam Morris said...

wow. just wow. a lot of this stuff reminds me of your work, rot! you'll go down in history! :)

Rot said...

: D

Adam said...

fantastic store, I wish I could see it in person :( Take more photos for us rot!! That looks like an incredible store.

Also, the photo of what you bought, what pumpkin is that next to it??? :D

Mr Black said...

That place is amazing. I would be like a kid in a candy store in that place.

Colleen said...

I'm actually fortunate I don't have a store like that here... LOL. That Sir, is a dangerous place for someone like myself..... wicked awesome though, you are SO lucky to have an actual Halloween store!! And an awesome one at that!!!

Amy said...

I need an address..please!

pensive pumpkin said...

I love this store. I want to live in this store. Wow.

MorbidMariah said...

Yep, that place looks pretty awesome. I am always jealous of the cool Halloween stuff ya'll get out east. Us southwesterners get the shaft when it comes to Halloween. :/

Madame Jen said...

Love it! Thanks for sharing.

Countess VonRauber (Heidi) said...

I saw that pumpkin head ghost on the Oriental Trading website for $25.00: