Friday, July 1, 2011

Maybe Nobody Knows How To Stop Him


Amy said...

The opening of H4 is EPIC!

I always wonder how much better the movie would have been if they used the original mask.

Amy said...

Thought you guys would dig this..

The Gill-Man said...

While the actual film is rather inconsistent (though I still quite like it), Halloween IV has my favorite opening sequence outside of the Carpenter original. The scenes of rural, late October mid-west are quite striking, and just give off that Halloween vibe in a wonderful, yet creepy, way.

Rot said...

We LOVE the beginning of H4. Nothing like it.

And a neat little piece of movie trivia: The movie had been filmed using a converted Shatner mask, like the original, but for whatever reason, they re-shot the film with the new and lamer mask. In one scene near the end, when Myers grabs and throws Loomis out of the school window, you can see the Shatner mask (they left it in the film..probably because it lasts only a second and they didn't think anyone would notice).

Rot said...

Sara said...

Halloween IV is the first I ever saw and it terrified me. It was *so* 80's and *so* awesome. Love it. I always comment on your Halloween IV pics because this movie RULES.

Mr Black said...

This opening sequence is wonderful it sets the mood brilliantly.

Marrow said...

Unfortunately I have parents who follow the film censorship religiously. The first 3 Halloween movies are out of my grasp. R16s.

H4, on the other hand, R13 :) Perfect.

Do you think I should wait and watch them all when I am allowed to (a HalloweenaThon), or watch H4 now and the rest later. I don't wanna spoil the first ones.

Rot said...

I'd wait.
You've waited THIS long : )

The Gill-Man said...

Definitely wait, Marrow. It will be better when you can see Carpenter's original classic in context.

As for "Legend of Hell House"...great film! I also highly recommend Matheson's novel (simply entitled Hell House). A wonderful, creepy ghost story!