Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Get Your Clove On

6 comments: said...

wow. one of those things i never knew was out there but now i must try!

Frankenrock said...

Looks tasty. The Fireball cinnamon whiskey is a nice too.

Did you ever have Voyant?

Rot said...

Never even heard of it.

Frankenrock said...

Its a chai liquor that you can mix with stoli vanilla to make pumpkin martinis. Delicious.

The Southern Tier Imperial Pumpking beer is great also.

Sharon Day said...

YUM YUM YUM! I usually get pumpkin ale at the local import shop in September-December, but this sounds great. I'm a clove freak. Always loved clove gum.

Vanessa Morgan said...

Never heard of it before, but it sounds fantastic. I hope I can find it here in Europe. Thanks for the great find.