Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Halloween-ish Weekend

Local supermarket was selling pumpkins and Indian corn.
Couldn't resist.


Anonymous said...

I should get a pumpkin now so I can test out my scarecrow for this year......if it works.

Countess VonRauber (Heidi) said...

Lucky find! I wouldn't have been able to resist either! Especially one with a good stem on it like that :)

Autumnleaf said...

OH man. Pumpkins, ornamental corn and black-eyed susans...does it get any better?

Goneferalinidaho said...

Your flowers look great. Mine are all spent and drying out.

Christina said...

Beautiful pics!

Marrow said...


I thought you might enjoy this etsy shop:

I saw it on this great blog:

KG said...

The supermarket down the street for me in stratham,nh has big jack'o'lantern pumpkins out. going to get one tomorrow with my daughter.

K.O. said...

Jealous!! I haven't seen any pumpkins in NYC stores yet. :(

Shani said...

Our Wegmans just put Mums out...still waiting for the pumpkins!!

Anonymous said...

You couldn't resist? Imagine my surprise! ahahahahaha