Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Cooling

It seems that cooler air is finally being forecasted.
It's coming in on the back of a windy storm.
Classy way to arrive.

Hopefully it stays clear through Halloween.

Image by sparth.


Anonymous said...


Amy said...

Here in Pa and I cannot wait for those winds to pick up this afternoon..tempted to pick up the Halloween II Blu ray on the way home for work.

Amy said...

The screenshots look INCREDIBLE. The one with Loomis pointing the gun needs to be framed.

Fright Night comes out in December..hopefully we get Halloween III next October.

Julie Ferguson said...

After a summer of record-breaking over 110 degree weather, I am looking forward to much cooler weather. Here's to fall, yea!

HerStrangeKind said...

Good riddance to summer. It's getting down to 50 degrees Friday night!

K.O. said...

Hell YEAH! I'm so excited about this.
And here's hoping there won't be anymore rain up here in the NE for a while...

Shani said...

It's a gorgeous chilly morning! Loving the cooler weather!! What makes it complete? Sipping pumpkin spice coffee ;-) Mmmm