Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Been touched by the flu these last few days. 
My voice is officially satanic. 
I can't stop saying the phrase:
"That's much too vulgar a display of power."

Just sayin.


NoahFentz said...


Thought sumthin' was up....feel better dude...

Love the pic!!

Willow Cove said...

Yes, feel better sir! Get some rest....and maybe do some demonic voice overs for future haunt effects while your at it ;)

ShellHawk said...

Aww. Feel better!

Rot said...

Thanks, guys.

girl6 said...

oh noooooo..... :(
you must be run down..
please take care & Rest..

i'm Really going to try & send some Healing vibes your way...

Rot said...

but i'll be fine.

though i feel blotchy.

Yellow Phantom said...

Rest up Rot

Anonymous said...

Hate to read you have the flu. Hope you feel better soon. Speaking of a Satanic voice, wish you could hear my son's. He is 11 now but even as a baby my father said he sounded like he drank a fifth of scotch a day and smoked a pack of Camels. Worse now, deeper than before as he is starting puberty. He had to have ventilation tubes as a preemie baby, scarred his vocal cords. I personally think he sounds precious. Get better Rot and don't give it to Bean.

Wikkedmoon said...


wicKED said...

Been there myself recently so I hope you feel better soon buddy. I ate lots of garlic which is supposed to help cleanse out your system...made me feel better for sure. Get well!

Anonymous said...

Crapman, that sucks. Hope you don't get too bad.Tell Mrs. Rot to give you some extra witch's brew.

And I like the idea of recording some of your voice for this year's haunt

Colleen said...

Oh boy. Feel better soon! Thus far my house has avoided the flu! *crossesfingers*

Rot said...

Thanks, everybody.
Really appreciate it.

Shani said...

Oh nooooooo!!! Ugh that sucks! So sorry to hear that you're under the weather. I hope you feel better soon Rot!

Ragged Grin said...

That is truly frightening...
So many hit hard this go round.

Hope you feel better man, don't give it to bean.

Wishing you a healthy, sick free end of the month Pumpkinbean!

Rania said...

UGH. I just got over the stomach flu today. I don't wish it on my worst enemies. Glad you are feeling better.

Adam said...

Feel better dude, try using the more profane lines from the movie. It will sound awesome.

K.O. said...

Oh no! I'm sorry you got sick! I caught it too...better now, though.