Friday, August 23, 2013

HomeGoods Overload

Took some more shots at HomeGoods....this'll be the last of them.


Anonymous said...

Making a trip to mine tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Your 'Home Goods' is on crack. I have NEVER seen so much Halloween glory in all my life in one store. Perhaps Atlanta stores just stink. It's for the best. I would spend so much cash, we wouldn't be able to eat....

Adam said...

I am on a mission to find that darn headless horseman snowglobe. I don't know what is up with HG. The very first shipment had them and there has not been anymore since!

Shani said...

Looks like they got more stuff in? I need to take a run over to ours to see what else they have.

Heather said...

Sigh.....absolutely nothing at the homesense store here in Canada. Waiting.....checking.....

Sara said...

I'm kind of overwhelmed thinking about decorating for Halloween. Since moving into this house, my Halloween collection has grown tremendously and it's taking up a ton of space in our garage. So when the time comes, I have to sift through a lot of boxes picking out what to use, what not to, etc.

Reason enough for me to not even go to HomeGoods this year. But that Mummy! LOL. I've been lusting after a Mummy for a while now. I may have to indulge....

Rot said...

mummy lust

Sara said...


Autumnleaf said...

Ha! The hanging bat candle holder is kinda cool. I picked up the skull one last year...looks great with the t-light in it out in the dark!

Colleen said...

Thanks for the post Rot! I saw the bat candle holder and had to have it. I picked up a pair today! ;)

girl6 said...

man oh mannnn..that upside down bat is so Precious.

bahhhh humbug..No HomeGoods for me.
i guess it's True about the's
what you need Not what you want.

Erin | Bygone Living said...

You have a way better Home Goods than I do!

Unknown said...

Our Home Goods has a great selection too. I'm not sure I like everything covered in glitter though it's a bit much. Fine for Christmas, but seems like a trend for Halloween decor.