Thursday, August 15, 2013

HomeGoods Finds

Wasn't expecting more Halloween merchandise so soon.  Checked HomeGoods out today after work and there was a ton of new stuff.  Picked up an owl candle holder, a bone pillar holder, and a Headless Horseman snow globe with black snow and a tiny light-up LED pumpkin.  Very cool.


SparklingMinx said...

Oh my god, I so want that snow globe!! =D

Colleen said...

Wow. The snow globe seems pretty cool Rot. I can't wait to see it in person when I take a trip over there on Sunday. I hope they have more goodies out! I definitely didn't see that snow globe there last weekend. I think I'm gunna pick up that owl you have. It's great! Hopefully it's still in stock!

Adam said...

that snow globe is bad ass

Goneferalinidaho said...

That snow globe is awesome. I'm not huge into tchotchkes, but that would look good in my house.

Goneferalinidaho said...

I thought there would be no way to ever get anything from Home Goods (east coast store) but I just figured out my local TJMaxx is really a TJMaxx-Home Goods store and its the same Home Goods as yours. I may have to swing by after work before I pick up the dog from daycare. Yay me!

Shani said...

OooOoo I LOVE the owl!! We almost got that one but settled on the smaller white ceramic one.

Willow Cove said...

That Horseman globe is awesome!

girl6 said...

Man ohhhh Man, it's ALL Awesome but i don't know, that bone pillar holder is just soooo Classic & Eloquent, the sorta item, you would Nevvvvvver Evvvvvvver tire of.

& Yes!!!
that headless horseman, snow globe, Truly is to Die for!.

Now i'll be thinking of Chris Walken & jonseing to watch Sleepy Hollow.

Fantastic Treasures!!!..<333333333

Amy said...

Whenever you post a find, I immediately want it! You stage it so well...

Ragged Grin said...

Seriously diggin the horseman, love it!

K.O. said...

Those are awesome finds! I am totally copying you and buying that snow globe when our Home Gs finally gets its Hween stuff. :)

Autumnleaf said...

I sure hope our HomeGoods gets some of those snowglobes. I have a special penchant for the headless horseman....and his horse!

SaraB! said...

Sooooo... I know where I'm going when I get off work today. I need that snowglobe!!

Jon Glassett said...

I NEED that horseman...

Jon Glassett said...

Also, I bought the same pillar holder but mine didn't have the little saucer thing to hold the candle. I thought it was supposed to just balance there on the actual bones. Oh, well.

jvandiver1 said...

You're killing me! I've gone to 5 Homegoods/TJMaxx/Marshall stores and none of them have this snowglobe. I'm totally envious.