Tuesday, February 18, 2014

True Detective

My new favorite thing:

Thanks, Adam, for the recommendation.


bean said...

Bestest ever.

Rot said...

it really is.

and dark and creepy.

Anonymous said...

Matthew and Woody, to awesome actors. Too bad I don't have HBO.

Just can't bring myself to pay for it. I don't watch that much T.V. anyways.

Rot said...

yeah. it's insanely expensive.

ShellHawk said...

Loving this show, especially since they didn't go the predictable "buddy cop" route. Nice and dark! :)

Cranky Amy said...

Read this http://io9.com/the-one-literary-reference-you-must-know-to-appreciate-1523076497 yesterday, now I need to get it and read it and start the season over again. SOOO good!

Adam said...

That article is great, expands on a lot. Really glad you two like it as much as I do

The Creeping Cruds said...

Great, smart stuff. TV continues to trump Hollywood..

Willow Cove said...

Don't have HBO either. Dang. Sometimes they ,(Verizon), offer it free for the weekend. Gotta look out for that.

Vintage Seance said...

Ok, it's official, I need to start watching it. Everyone has told me it's something I'd love, but now that it's a Pumpkin Rot fave, that just means it's a must!

Rot said...

Be warned: I went on and on at work about this show and one of my coworkers came in and said "That show was BORING! I'll never listen to you again."

I just love everything about it.

The dialogue is like food to me.
It's amazing.

Adam said...

Same here Rot. My co-workers are the type to go and drool over Friday Night lights.

Anonymous said...

Just caught up. wow. MM is possessed. I loved it.