Monday, May 18, 2015

Ghost Attack

If ghosts/poltergeists are real, shouldn't this stuff below be happening ALL the time?
Unless every time this stuff happens the person gets killed and we just assume it was a robbery gone bad.

Click below:


Anonymous said...


Willow Cove said...

If I were to debunk this, I would look into seeing if there is a gap in the door jams or underneath. The chairs and table all converge to one point in the door where someone could be on the other side with fishing line. Though the chair in the back of room stumps me....

Rot said...

it's pretty impressive.
I rewatched a number of times to see any lines/wires...couldn't see any shadows. And the chair that first spooks her changes direction...that's some fancy hoaxing...

Willow Cove said...

I know, I don't want to believe its real. Part of me gets really excited when someone pulls a fast one over me.

Rot said...


Steve Ring said...

Darn those lunchroom poltergeists!

Anonymous said...

I'm a skeptic about anything, especially if it is on video. I have to see things with my own eyes.

I have experienced ghosts two times. One as a child, and one as an adult. I believe in ghosts.

Adam said...

the problem with stuff like this is that the more advanced the technology gets, the less a chance we have of debunking it. I mean, look at the stabilized Bigfoot video, thats decades old and we are still scratching our heads. Most likely a guy in a suit sure, but still. Now with all movie making programs and special effects readily available to a 16 year old in his moms basement, it just makes this harder to debunk. I'd like to believe this is real, but from generic trickery like strings to full blown digital effects, how can we know for sure.

Colleen said...

That woman passing out from fear seems like a pretty real response. I agree though, unless you see it for yourself.. Who is to know? I use to live in a house that was legit spooked. Nothing like that of course!! Hah hah

Erik J.A. said...

I was always skeptical of the ghost hunting shows on tv, though I enjoyed them immensely. I took my family on an after dark tour of Waverley Hills Sanitorium last month with no expectations of ever seeing anything - just touring a famous building I'd seen on tv was cool enough. But I did see things. We all did. Different times - different locations. Other people were confirming what I was seeing without me saying a word. The place is an ant farm of shadow figures. I'm still trying to process that I saw ghosts.