Monday, June 15, 2015

Halloween Returns

Some "news" on the next Halloween film (this seems to happen every six months or so):

The now 18-year-old child of one of Myers’ victims plays a central role along with the child of a cop whose long been obsessed with Myers’ case, even putting it before his own daughter.
Myers is now on death row and the two kids with their own personal vendettas against the killer sneak in to watch his execution. But when things go awry and Myers escapes, the pair, along with their friends, find themselves in the firing line.

I'm in.  Why not.
I dig the idea of him being on death row, though I'm hoping it's a bandaged Myers and not that giant dude from the Rob Zombie films.  I need to never see Myers real face again.  EVER.  Even that quick glance in the original, with his bum eye, was too much for me.  I've always loved how they corrected that in Halloween II in the very beginning - they edit out that face reveal.  Perfecto.

Click below for the story:


Rot said...

I should add that it seems a lot of Halloween fans detest this story from checking out other horror sites.
Eh, I just figure if you're going to do another Halloween film it should be something we've never seen before.

And after Busta Rhymes, can it really be THAT horrible?

Gourdin Fester said...

It's just so tough to get those raw feelings and emotions anymore. I think of how desensitized my own children, at a very early age, have become. "Normal" 3 and 4 year olds freak out walking into say a Spirit store to where mine ask why the skeletons have no skin. Most are tired of a boring ol slasher film- it better be something pretty special to get their attention.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like it could be interesting.

Johnny said...

I wish they would revise the Halloween 3 idea and turn it into an anthology series.

Damian Michael AKA HalloweeNut said...

I'm hoping this will be good, but I'm not going to hold my breath. There's hasn't been a good (read "decent") Halloween film since H20. And as for Rob Zombie's efforts... I know his heart was in the right place, but still...

Erik J.A. said...

The Rob Zombie movies were ridiculous - to me, at least. I was in single digits when the original came out and 11 or 12 when II was in theaters - talked my dad into taking me and my friend from school. Jesus, did my buddy get into trouble for that! Told his parents he was going to see "Time Bandits." Nothing has topped those two for me. The scariest part was, for the most part, he was plausible. And, that's scary. Giant Michael Myers? Ridiculous. I hate when people try to remake perfect movies...

girl6 said...

og...hahahaha...yeah & maybe jason can be the warden & freddy could be like the death row minister, ohooooo & then they can throw the alien & the predator in there too, you know, just for good measure, cause why not...hahahaha...whatevs.

i don't think this really counts as a remake tho, but, remakes are sorta like copying/stealing the answers from someone else's test/project etc & passing if off as your own....Now thus being said, i'm SO tired of hearing all the complaining of remakes. & i guess the main reason is because i see the same complainers (a lot of the time but not all of the time) are the same people who DON'T support new films, meaning OLDER films or NEW ones. yes, films in general that they haven't seen. what's the sense of loving horror or any genre for that matter if you aren't craving to check out films you haven't watched before?...i don't get it...i bet so many "horror lovers" haven't seen...digging up the follows...babadook..the list just goes on & onnnn without even mentioning older classics too as well. it just BLOWS my mind. let's just sit around & complain about remakes but hey, let's not watch new movies & even support em if we love em. seems like a lot of talk out there. i'm not a big fan of eli roth's films but i know this CAUSE i watched them. i also know that he is capable of making a beautiful looking film, his cuts are amazzzzzing. when he goes from scene to scene, the mood (change) is perfect. never choppy or makes you say, WTF...AND....he's a huge supporter of OTHER artist's work & NOT just stuff he has produced either. when it follows came out, he drummed up that movie something Fierce & on his instagram too. to me, that's what it's all about, especially with horror films. BECAUSE horror films STILL don't get the respect or the funding that they deserve. AND if you don't get the word out there, well, maybe, you shouldn't be saying what a Lover of horror you are or complaining about remakes so much...jeeeeeezzzus!!. you don't have to like new films (meaning ones you haven't seen before) but give em a try for f**k's sake.

one day Eli Roth will make a wonderful film & so will Rob Zombie (he's been on his way since Lords of Salem).. i'm going to have to start a blog myself because for good or for ill, i'm VERY passionate about horror, all horror. & i've got things to say...there can be beauty & talent found in films that are not great or masterpieces. i wanna subscribe to Tarantino's & Edgar Wright's school of thought, which is, Everything is Relevant.

EX...& why did john carpenter feel the need to remake the thing? i'm not gonna crucify him over it tho. there's SO much out there.

Busta Rhymes...hahaha...
but, why do the brothers always gotta get such a hard way to go.. : (

Sara said...

Wow, a lot of people are super negative about how this new movie will go down (based on the comments on horror sites I've been reading). I say lighten up. I hope the feel isn't similar to Rob Zombie's versions though. I just didn't like giant dirty Michael very much. Lol. I like my Michaels clean and slender. And yes, Rot, no more face reveals!!! He's pure evil, man. Stop showing us that pure evil is just joe shmoe.

girl6 said...

yeah lightening up & tolerance are always positive moods. but when someone once said to me, they like to destroy something, based upon them simply just not liking it, i found that disturbing & worrying. not a good way to live your life. i think some people enjoy hating too much to evvvvvverrr lighten up or maybe even see something positive. whatta way to live.