Saturday, March 25, 2017

Halloween 2017's Haunt Theme

Be sure to swing by the blog on Monday morning...
Going to reveal this year's Haunt Theme.

I'm pretty excited about it.


Anonymous said...

UGH. Teasing already!?

Your mean. :D

girl6 said...

aliens...old school monstas.
hmmmmm...& a previous post of a blurry snowman. HAHHAHAHAHAH!!!
ahhhhhhhhhh..i CAN"T wait!!!!. : )

Sara said...

Woo hoo! You know me, gimme alllll the spoilers!

girl6 said...


LabyrinthCreations said...

can't wait to hear all about it! been mulling Haunt things about lately as well...perhaps it has something to do with the dreadful-summer-to-come...

Willow Cove said...


Willow Cove said...

Though deep down I think it's a trick......

JHMDF said...

Looking forward to it. :)

Rot said...

totally not a trick ... :)

girl6 said...'s a Treat then!!!
i have reallllllly been dreading the ugly upcoming summer, but, ehhhh, guess, summer has to come in order for the Beauty of Autumn to eventually arrive booooo

like C.S. Lewis once wrote in a thank you letter...
“Autumn is really the best of the seasons; and I'm not sure that old age isn't the best part of life. But of course, like autumn, it doesn't last.” he knew.

Bring US Closer to Autumn & Halloween Rot / with your announcement on Monday. : )

Autumnleaf said...

Oh boy.....Oh Boy!!

Tallulah said...

Outstanding site! I saw your Swamp Fetus video a few years ago, and looked around for it, finally found it again on your site.
Thank you sharing your dreams and work!

Gourdin Fester said...

Awesome! Can't wait!

Hal9thou said...


Ragged Grin said...

If it's Pirates....I quit.