Saturday, September 22, 2018

Happy Autumn

It's finally here.
Breezy morning here, going up to 72 degrees. 
Drinking coffee on the porch earlier as some CHURCH incense was burning to keep the mosquitoes away.

Seemed fitting to post this [very] small teaser for Halloween 2018:  CHURCH.

All Are Welcome!


Anonymous said...

How dare you tease us like that. :)

Sara said...

All are welcome, lol. Cool.

girl6 said...

Happy Autumn!!! omggg..never thought it would arrive.
that teaser is Gorgeous!!! i am SO excited about your CHURCH theme. i really wish there were more religious themed horror movies/haunts out there. i think people are (sometimes) sorta afraid to go there. religion is sucha a big part of everyday life tho. there's an Iranian horror film called.."under the shadow" deals with the spirit djinn mentioned in the Koran. sucha great spooky little film. loved it.

i can totally imagine how perfect & beautiful the FULL ON CHURCH Haunt is going to be this year. your teaser made me think of how beautifully The Nun movie was shot. it takes place in it still has all that lingering 40's influence. the convent & the surrounding cemetery (riddled with the most exquisite wooden grave crucifix/markers) were the MOST beautiful i have ever seen. right up there with Hammer & maybe even more than. there was one wooden crucifix in particular..most of it's center had been carved away, so it was mostly hollow. Omg...soooo plain & soooo beautiful. looked ancient. Never saw anything like it before. i keep thinking about it.

I'm SO EXCITED about's gonna be Grand!!!!!! : )

highbury said...

Ohhh! A Church I'd actually be excited to go to!

Autumnleaf said...

You DO know how to tease, Rot. I still marvel at the detail of your 'decay'. Like those crosses have existed for centuries. What a great photo!

MorbidMariah said...

OOoooooo, I am intrigued!!!

Willow Cove said...

Aw, man. I can’t wait!
Those crosses and votives are spooky

Amy said...

Can’t wait to see this!

We did yard work for about 6 hours today, fire pit scrubbing, mulching, green accent lights on the trees, and now we’re in bed at 9:30, and too tired to enjoy any of it ☺️ at least we can open the windows...finally.

VenomStorm said...

The humidity died down for a day down here too. I don’t know how warm it got because it stayed cloudy and breezy. I was able to be outside all day working on prop stuff. It was a fun day. Today is going to be 60, even though it is raining. I’m going to enjoy every non-summer day we get even if it is raining. Looks like inside prop work today.

Loved the teaser shot with black and red decayed imagery, although because you keep using all caps for “CHURCH” I cant help thinking its all a giant misdirection and its actually an acronym for your real theme, lol. This shot gives me hope, but would you be so devious as to make fake props for a fake theme just to throw us off?

Theo said...

this stuff is absolutely brilliant.
excited does not BEGIN to describe my feelings towards this Halloween

"All Are Welcome"?
now that you say that... hahahaha

Rot said...

VenomStorm, no worries, I absolutely am doing a church theme called CHURCH.
Just feels right to capitalize it.

It's definitely unlike anything I've done to date...hopefully people dig it.

girl6 said...

& don't forget about confessional..cause one of your worshippers/parishioners may wish to receive the sacrament of holy communion (candy orange slices do really well in a pinch & if you order in bulk you'll receive a discount too & kitchens always make for the best confessionals)

i believe CHURCH IS going to be your BEST/FINEST year. FEELS 110% that way to me. & DON'T hold back on anything either cause you're a catholic philly boy & that means..NO ONE better for the job man. i AM SO EXCITED!!!

Rot said...

totally going to fall back on my "but i'm a catholic boy!" defense if anyone is offended this year!

VenomStorm said...

Haha, Im excited for what you're going to do with the theme. There’s so many ways for you to go, Im already loving the hint we got in that shot. Looks very sinister.

Ragged Grin said...

Wicked, wicked Halloween Man...

How am I gonna wait until the end of October for this???!!!

: (

girl6 said...

i remember one person freaking out on you & questioning if you were siding with the devil cause you posted a pic of a haunt or something & you included some type of satanic worship passage or something like that to compliment the pic. & they totally freaked & said they weren't going to follow you any longer. crazy ass incident.

& then..there's pickle cat. another freak out..where you were accused of NOT being loyal to Halloween or something of the sort & apparently you should be posting Haunt pics like 24/7 & why didn't you post pics of their haunt..cause that's what you're supposed to do. man..pickle cat REALLY messed them up. omg...crazy ass.

CHURCH WILL be very interesting.

Rot said...

haha..Pickle cat.... i shall never forget the flap that fine feline caused... haha

yeah...i think it was a black van with a satanic symbol spray painted on it and a title like "that's how I roll"...or something similar.

I have never and shall never worship the devil.
Or even think remotely fondly about him/it/her... i've seen way too many demonic shows about that sorta thing.. :)

Baba said...

The Church of Rot!

No doubt, this will absolutely be my favorite haunt!
I'm Catholic and an avid collector of Catholic relics, religious items, and all things related to exorcisms. I can hardly wait to see what you do with this theme!

girl6 said...

Catholics make some of the best horror..look at clive barker. pinhead is like my favourite high/dark priest & omg he wears a leather cassock!!!..gahhh. & look at clive's "the scarlet gospels"...gottdamn!!!

yeah man..the CHURCH of Rot. you might be shoppin for some priestly mass wear at the thrift store this year dude. : )