Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Man, there's nothing like Halloween.
Strangers giving out free candy to kids they never even met. Civilized folks putting severed heads and mini-cemeteries on their front lawns... Orange, green, and purple lights strung around porches... and that amazing moment when you spot a real jack o'lantern smiling fire. I saw one last night on a porch step and I might as well have seen Santa Claus. H A L L O W E E N.

I finished the last detail on the last significant 2018 prop yesterday, and now it's that weird waiting.  Waiting and watching the weather (stupid Nor'easter coming towards us for the entire weekend [though I won't be complaining about weather ever again after seeing what happened to so many people in this country and around the world of late]).

Was thinking about how there's never really a dry run with my display.  It all sits disassembled in the garage and basement until the morning of the photo shoot, which is usually the day before Halloween.  So if it works it works.  If it doesn't, well, thankfully that hasn't happened yet.   YET.   

This year was definitely the most involved and most time-consuming (and most expensive [went through gallons of elmer's glue]), so hopefully it all comes together the way I'm seeing it in my brains.  

And hopefully we all get good weather wherever we are.  

What a neat holiday.  Unlike anything else out there.

Just the best...


Sara said...

And if it doesn't work, the good news is that NONE of us will see it in person and Bean will be able to make her pictures look amazing as usual. I mean, just looking on the bright side and all.

Here's to a wonderful 2018 H A L L O W E E N! ......

.....Not to be confused with that HORRID HALLOWEEN 2018.

Old Fan said...

That first paragraph is a perfect description of how I feel about Halloween!

Shallow Grave Cemetery said...

Rot - I share your feelings regarding the weather. I've been dealing with rain for nearly 2 solid months and it has severely delayed my prop production schedule (I’m using a lot of reclaimed tree limbs and they are soaking wet). Can’t wait to see the CHURCH display I’m sure it will be smashing as always.

OctoberHaunt said...

Cheers! Looking forward to seeing your work this Halloween.

Anonymous said...

Definitely agree.
The sights and smells of this time of year just gives me a good feeling inside. (No matter what is going on at that time).
Can’t WAIT to see what eye candy you two got for us.

You never know, sometime I might show up in costume for so free candy...............

Amy said...

Love when you write these mini streams of consciousness, that and any of your childhood memories. Looks like N’oreaster clears out Sunday, then it gets beautiful Mon, Tue, Wed. I’ve been checking the weather hourly. Said to Amy tonight, I don’t ever remember a stretch of weather like this in October. It’s been in the 50’s for almost 2’s like a dream. Every night when we go to bed and I turn off all of the decoration lights, I feel like it’s slipping away. I’ve been trying to savor it, we have a solid week left.

And youtube Carpenter Nintendo when you get a chance...

JHMDF said...

For over a decade I've been coming here to see what you've created for the Halloween season. I'm very excited to hear about the large scope of this years haunt!

Theo said...

was expecting this to be a write-up on the H A L L O W E E N (anise & clove) candle!
which I still have yet to smell... but soon. soon!!!!

loved reading this. and simply cannot wait to see what all that elmers glue has resulted in.

here's to that weather holding out!!

VenomStorm said...

Good thoughts. Halloween is the best. All the other holidays have something similar, I feel. Halloween is the most unique of them all. I was, by chance, in a different town yesterday getting my oil changed and I happened to take a side street that brought me through HALLOWEEN TOWN! So many (nice) houses had legit setups. I started driving up and down the streets. I even stopped and grabbed a few pics with my phone. I was on Cloud 9. Didn’t even care that it made me sit in 30 extra minutes of traffic on the way home. I bet they dont even realize they are haunters.

Also, I was wondering if you do dry runs. It comes out so great every year so I assumed you set it up and played with it a little to get it just right. Interesting that you do not.

Best of luck with the weather everyone!

whynotgrl67 said...

Your blog , which I too have been following for over a decade , is my crack . When I read that you went through so much glue my ears perk up in Curiousity. How I would love to see your work in person .

The Gill-Man said...

It IS the best. I'm so relieved to see that the rain in our area (Houston) is expected to clear out today. We had some nice, gloomy weather the past few days, with temps in the 60s (which is considered really cool for this part of the country), so that's been nice, but I've been worried we would get massive amounts of rain like we did last year. Halloween 2017 saw a torrential downpour, which pretty much put the kibosh on any festivities. I was staying with some friends after my house was destroyed by Hurricane Harvey, and the whole night saw about three groups of Trick or Treaters total. It was depressing!

This year, I've been optimistic. The cooler temps have helped get me in the spirit, and I've been alternating between the new Halloween at High Noon release and the Halloween 2018 soundtrack for listening. There seems to be something in the air this season...a true, spooky feeling that is ever present. I'm savoring every moment of the days leading to the High Holiday!

K.O. said...

AMEN!!! Very well said. There's absolutely no time like late October.
Congrats on finishing off all your main props. I'm SO EXCITED about your display this year!!!!!! Seeing your haunt photos posted on Halloween Day is MY Santa Claus. =D Praying and crossing my fingers that y'all have good weather next week. Can't believe there are only 6 days left...

Willow Cove said...

Deep thoughts by Punkinrot! Love it. What a great feeling to be finished. Now you can just relax and enjoy the days building up to it. I got a couple more things to work on but it shouldn’t be a mad scramble.

Rot said...

oddly, I am a man in perpetual non-relaxing mode.
So it's almost WORSE to not have something specific to get done!

Tom, Greenfield,Wi said...

Need to adjust my aluminum foil beanie, because now I am sure you are reading my thoughts. I have very much enjoyed your work for the last 13 years, and have often been inspired by it. Thinking of all of you this week!

Lady M said...

Yep - it is the best. I am sure it will all come together as planned. Wishing you glorious fall weather and a wonderful haunt. Can't wait to see your pictures.

Anonymous said...

There is ALWAYS something that must be done.

At least in my “non stop, always thinking of some project I could be doing/ what can I make this time” brain.

Ugh. I wish my brain would just shut off.......

Unknown said...

Pure genius.

ShellHawk said...

I'm looking forward to seeing what The Brain has come up with this year!

As for me, maybe next year. Stewie is haunting at Heartstoppers Haunted House in Rancho Cordova and shows every bit of evidence that he's enjoying it so I won't have him, but maybe I'll make another 'crow? Who knows?

Autumnleaf said...

A heartfelt (and hopeful) Happy Halloween!

Dstrong61 said...

I'm sorry to say I had to cancel my outdoor party. The rain was too much for us. I will still take pics though and there is always next year, (heavy sigh) can't wait to see yours for real!

Ragged Grin said...

Greatly looking forward to this year's religious experience. While I made a run at it over the last month I'm afraid there likely won't be anything at all from me this year. Just too many roadblocks. One of my wife's sisters, gone far too young. So what do you do...try and fit Halloween around viewings and a funeral? I don't know. Perhaps something a distraction, but perhaps not. That will be determined.

Halloween is the best, that is without question in my heart and mind, but in this instance it just may not fit. Regardless...I'll be anxiously awaiting reveals from all my favorites. Best wishes!

Old Fashion Halloween said...

It will be a wet Halloween here. Fingers crossed you get cool crisp gorgeous fall weather on Halloween night.