Monday, May 20, 2019

Open Letter To FALLOUT 76 Designers

If you accepted money for designing this game, I would like money for my Pumpkinrot scarecrow and my Johnny Appleseed scarecrow which appear in certain scenes.

Payment.  You know, to pay the bills.

Gotta eat.


Sara said...

Holy cow. People are jerks!

Rot said...

A couple people have emailed me about this and I've kept quiet about it... but i kept finding images of these during searches for Scarecrows so i figured I'd share this weirdness

Willow Cove said...

Serious? Wow.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me, AGAIN?

Is this an actual video game???

ShellHawk said...


Rot said...'s called FALLOUT 76 and it got lame reviews and players didn't care for it.

would have been nice to have been asked, you know?

Revenant Manor said...

This just boggles the mind.

There wasn't even a feeble attempt at disguising the action here. I mean, this is just blatant theft.

Good grief...

Anonymous said...

I’m, can I post all of your props on my Flickr account and call them my own.

I’ll make sure that I say I made them that way nobody bothers you......


Unknown said...

Good luck with Bethesda/Zenimax's lawyers. They are notoriously awful.

Sean said...

I have seen other haunters who have had their props copied and mass produced. Unsure you will get anything. It is frustrating.

Spinwitch said...

Unfortunately it's almost impossible to copyright a design. But morally and ethically they are totally in the wrong.

VenomStorm said...

What the absolute F@*k! Like those are not even rip offs of the originals, they are clearly screen grabs from your site, or pics they found on the internet when they googled “scarecrow”. But any self respecting person can click on the picture and “view source”. Like it is one thing to have the images for personal use. Something else entirely for a multimillion dollar company that is expecting to make millions selling the game.

Hell you could have even designed new scarecrows for them. In the lore I dont think it makes any sense. Fallout is supposed to take place in West Virginia. If 76 was set in Penn it would make sense in the lore (and if they asked you) to have those crows as a funny easter egg.

Seriously outrageous. But because the Halloween haunt community is small time, Bethesda game studios doesnt care.

Mr Black said...

This shit makes me frothing mad, Cujo would wimpier and run from me. I am sorry.

Unknown said...

They would have the shakiest of grounds to call it transformative (they'd lose in the end if they didn't bleed your reserves dry in infinite litigation) because the assets were sculpted digitally. If you raise the mildest of heck, then they'll likely just remove them. My suggestion would be a proposal from the get-go. Maybe even licensing your current scarecrows and future scarecrows for sale in their cash shop.

Unknown said...

@Venomstorm - Ah, great minds think alike. This iteration of fallout is in West Virginia and the smallest amount of other states. WV is pretty rural if I recall correctly. Much of Rot's style is backwoods cultist (in my opinion). I think anything he came up with would fit with the raider lore and/or hillbilly lore quite well.

Ragged Grin said...

WTF...yeah there OUGHT to be some fallout

The Gill-Man said...'s ridiculous. I have a friend who is heavily involved in the Halloween Artists Bazaar, and she is constantly seeing her designs, as well as those of her fellow artists, stolen by mass market companies. Usually, they vary them up just enough to claim coincidence, but it's pretty obvious. It's unfortunate that there is so little integrity these days...that stealing someone else's art is done without the slightest bit of hesitation.

MorbidMariah said...

WOW. That's some pretty low life behavior, obviously stealing from independent artists without any compensation.

Mike C(JASONV123) said...

Pretty low.. best of luck, Rot.

Unknown said...

Someone on Twitter had their art stolen by Bethesda today and they were able to finangle a job out of it. I did my best to re-raise awareness of Bethesda's theft of your scarecrow designs. "Fallout 76" has a new Creative Director named Jonathan Rush, so now might be the time for you to bring this up again.
I would have contacted you on Instagram, unfortunately, I don't have an account.
Good luck.

Hi, Bethesda, if you are reading this.

Rot said...

Hey, I really appreciate this comment. Thanks for sharing that info!

Unknown said...

Let's say I get a response on Twitter, is your Instagram account the best place to send them?

Rot said...


Unknown said...

A lot of gaming websites covered the events of the art theft yesterday. If you want to shop the story around, I think it would have reach. As a hype man, I don't feel comfortable doing that on your behalf.

As it is the eve of a holiday and holiday weekend, I'll pump the breaks on all other fronts.

If you wanted to, I bet you could make scarecrow props for Bethesda/Fallout events, the tv show (Season 2), and to be 3D scanned for sale on the Atomic Shop in Fallout 76. In the Fallout Universe, the nukes fell on October 23, 2077 therefore Halloween is a big deal since decorations survived.

Have a great 4th of July!