Sunday, July 3, 2022

Random Krazy

I have never EVER used Krazy Glue where the thing I was gluing didn't immediately come apart.  I am now convinced this man fell to his death.

And I'm glad.


Willow Cove said...

Agreed. You’d think he’d have straps to hold the hat to his head!

Rot said...

A noose

Willow Cove said...

You and your Brother...

Rot said...

So essentially it only glues wood to wood. This proves the commercial is incredibly misleading. I’m going to write a letter to the company today

Revenant Manor said...

Even eight year old me was pretty sure that display of tomfoolery was pure hucksterism the first time I saw the commercial.

I have always held it against them, and quietly rooted for that clown to have either plummeted 20 stories, or to be still hanging there...either is fine

Rot said...

Haha. So funny. I hate them.