Friday, April 7, 2023

The Builders' Work


MR. Macabre said...

You never fail to impress me.

Rot said...

Thanks a ton

Evil Vines Cemetery said...

They are quite the imposing crew. This question just came to me and I'm not sure why I never wondered this before. Your yard props always face your home and front door - or what seems to be your front door from my limited vantage point. So when people drive by, they only see the backs of your props. Is that designed to force people to walk up the path to your door for a better look? To keep some of the mystery until Halloween night?

Rot said...

When I was haunting my parents' house, I think it made sense to face props towards the sidewalk since the main approach to the porch was straight on. This house was different in that the approach to the porch was from the side. This was a neat question as I never really thought about how I went from a Haunter with props facing the street to a Haunter with props facing the porch. I think it just felt natural to take advantage of the layout of that walkway to the porch. But for certain, I see people driving by slowly and you can tell they are extremely curious about getting a better view, so they pull over and come running up throughout the night. So that actually is kind of cool to think about... that they're looking up and wondering what is going on up there.