Thursday, August 13, 2009

Halloween Store Of Stores

This would probably be my personal favorite. An annual tradition. When this shop sets up its Halloween display, the season is officially here. Had so much fun floating through this store.


John Rozum said...

I wish we had something like that here. Everything I've seen so far has left me feeling ho-hum. I wish something came along to captivate me enough into a purchase. There's nothing like making that first Halloween purchase of the season, even in August, to get the real excitement of the season rolling.

Bob said...

For great Halloween atmosphere while dining, check out Huey's Tavern in Lansdale, PA. The owner, Sue does a tremendous job of transforming her little pub into a Halloween Haven. She goes all out for every holiday (even does a beach theme during the summer) but Halloween is her best work. They have great food there too.

Rot said...

Thanks for the recommendation.
I'd love to check that out.

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

I must have that skull snowglobe!!!

That's it, I have to move. :)

Thanks for sharing.


Anonymous said...

i am going to have to make a weekend trip to your area sometime. your stores have the coolest stuff!!

JHMDF said...

I love that shop so much! They have such amazing presentation.

Cindy Alderton said...

I want to live there!

Sara said...

I love that witch-it's terrific...I want it. :)

Otaku said...

No fair! We don't have anyplace like that out here in the Bay Area, and I've been looking, too. Most places around me look like Halloween is just an annoying distraction on the way to Christmas.