Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Pale Things Drifting

It was one of those things they keep in a jar in the tent of a sideshow on the outskirts of a little, drowsy town. One of those pale things drifting in alcohol plasma, forever dreaming and circling, with its peeled, dead eyes staring at you and never seeing you.

Ray Bradbury, The Jar

Cheesecloth and yellow food coloring add the perfect finishing touch to this specimen (a grow skeleton). Looks exactly like old flesh which has sloughed off into its silent liquid tomb.

Thanks, Mike. This pic is awesome. It made me instantly want to buy a grow ghost and stick it in a jar with green dye and strips of thin plastic sheeting.

7 comments: said...

that's a great idea...cheesecloth in liquid. I might try that. BRILLIANT

Hopsy the beer drinking clown said...

wow, simple...but effective, where can i get these "grow" skeletons???

Moo said...

I love the cheesecloth too, nice touch! It would be cool to see a bunch these, lined up on a bookshelf.

Sam said...

That was my favorite story in The October Country, I remember making a thing in a Jar for my book report project. Kids kept asking "what is it?" and I'd just say blank faced and monotone "its a thing in a jar" I didn't have many friends.

Rot said...

I saw a bunch of grow creatures at Michael's craft store...but they seem to be in Christmas mode already and a lot of their stock is dwindling. I know I saw a skeleton and a tiny pointy white ghost there. It'd be neat to mutilate their features once they grow a little.

NoahFentz said...

I always was thinking of doing some voodoo thing in a jar with the Grow a Date figure. After it grew stick nails or needles in it.

I do like the cheesecloth idea.

Pam Morris said...

you can get these on ebay for about $6.99