Monday, September 20, 2010

Pumpkin Pie Pop Tarts

A parcel arrived today from New Hampshire. From my buddy Jon. Contained therein was an amazing array of Halloween items of every sort. And to my over-the-top excitement, there was a box of pumpkin pie pop tarts included.

And I'm not just saying this because they're beautiful and made with big beautiful (assumption) pumpkins - but they're AMAZING. Truly an incredible product. Not overly sweet, and with a strong flavor of true pumpkin pie (pumpkin is actually in the ingredients).

Just look at those colors! How could this NOT be amazing.

When/If Target finally stocks their shelves with these things, I'm going to start hoarding.

Thanks, Jon!


Anonymous said...

I'm out of town right now, but these are TOP of my list for my Halloween scavenging as soon as I get back. Glad they don't disappoint!

Rot said...

They're awesome...and I'm not being biased due to my unnatural love of pumpkins.

amy said...

I wish i could find these!

Rot said...

Target had a price sticker for them on the shelf next to the chocolate I'm praying they get them soon.

The expiration date on this box is April of 2011. I've made plans to buy a closet full, so they BETTER stock them soon.

All Together Dead said...

I can't seem to find them any where around here either and my wee ones are anxiously awaiting their arrival... thank you for the close up, now we need smellivision and tastavision.

Antimars said...

Bah, this time of year is a horrible time for diets.
I shall be stalking my local Target outlet...

Anonymous said...

I work at Target in Bedford, NH. A few days ago I picked up a box of these and I want to say we had like 15 boxes...the next day we had only 2 left no lie. I was like wow! I agree they are amazing!

NoahFentz said...

I was not able to make it to the Pop Tart store. My daughter checked the local shop rite but nothing. Yet to check Target. I was going to email you to make the same gesture but Jon beat me to it. I was even willing to make a roadtrip to Peddler's Village and drop some off....who knows?

They sound delicious. Trying to think what tea might go good with them....

"Strublay" said...

*is quietly glad she does not live anywhere near the northeast of the country*

Vintage Seance said...

I was thinking of doing the same thing for you, but I couldn't around to it. I am glad someone did though, so that you could enjoy them! I still have to get them!!! AH!

Rot said...

People are selling them on ebay.

This is NOT a good sign.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the review, MUST try these. But...people are selling them on eBay? Oh dear!

I'm So Pretty said...

I keep hearing about these amazing Pop Tarts (and I grew up eating so many Tarts, my mother was genuinely concerned about me), and I can't find them!

Anonymous said...

I just found 1!!!! box

I am in love with them!!!


Mr Black said...

Anyone have a bar code?

Rot said...

Here are the numbers under the bar code:

0 3800051699 3

Mr Black said...

You are my hero.

Jenah said...

I was lucky enough to find 2 boxes at Target! YUM!!!! I wish they would make them more widely available! I had to hide them from my kids! Here's hoping for next year! (Or even later this year?!)