Friday, November 5, 2010

Historic Halloween

The Ghost photo shoot was in a pretty historic place. I knew the church and cemetery were from the 1700's, but didn't realize George Washington used the location to hold Hessian prisoners, and that 22 Revolutionary War soldiers were buried there.

Both the church and session house (seen below) have old broken tombstones leaning up against their walls.


Goneferalinidaho said...

Wow, the archaeologist in me is intrigued by the history of the place. When I first saw the photos in the slideshow, I assumed it was your folk's place but I quickly realized I was wrong. Great location.

BTW my captcha word for this comment is: crypty

Anonymous said...

Damn. Thought that was your house.
Was gonna track you down.

Dio said...

You gave the history a voice...

JD said...

You might want to look over those photos again rot. You might have caught a real ghost on camera :D

Sara said...

very cool. I think after the Tinies, the this prop is my second favorite. So creepy and very...real.

The October boy said...

It's great to see this stuff in historical settings like this! Do you get permission to take photos in these locations, or do you shoot quick and run?
Could not have been the quickest set up, I imagine.
Nicely done, and love that green cast.

Rot said...

'It's always easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission.' I read that once and never fully thought about it until now. I think for liability reasons, I'd probably hear "No" if I asked for permission...So we aim to get in and get out quickly and leave behind no signs of our being there. So far so good....But we did scratch one location due to the fear of someone calling the police or fire dept on us..since we'd be lighting the place up with red lights, and it was too close to the road....guerrilla art,I guess : )

The October boy said...

stealth with intelligence. I like the combination.
It probably adds a bit of adrenaline to the shoot as well!

Rot said...

It actually does. It was neat getting everything from the car to the cemetery, which wasn't all that close. So to any observers, I can't imagine what they were thinking seeing a man and a woman lugging that stuff back and forth....

The cemetery to our right was completely black, which added to the magic. A really great night.

The October boy said...

I've seen it on your blog many times...i'm jealous.
magical nights are far and between these days,