Thursday, November 4, 2010

TrickOrTreat Makeover Planned

When I brought this guy in from the front porch, the cat went insane. Like angry rat insane. The prop had been sprayed by a cat in the neighborhood. Smelled like ALL of the neighborhood cats took a turn. So he's in the backyard at the moment. Going to strip off the fabric and reseal him with exterior paints and then give him a makeover. I might even put a green bulb in his head.


Ghoul Friday said...

Perhaps you should just give him cat ears and keep him as the Great Pumpkin Cat God.

And soon...soon you can turn the neighbourhood strays into your minions. Mwa ha...mwa ha ha...MWA HA HA HA!

Rot said...

: D

The Gill-Man said...

I'm chuckling over the tags! "public feline toilet"! Too funny!

NecroBones said...

Oh my... That's not good. And it's almost impossible to get all of that stink off. Good luck on the makeover!

Rot said...

Yeah..I have a feeling I'm kinda screwed.

Sara said...

I'm trying to picture "angry rat insane". lol, funny image. Poor ToT :(

Rhode Montijo said...

Noooooooooooooooo! That stinks! He's my favorite of your creations, what horrible news!

Rot said...

I'm thinking I'll remove the fabric and the mache and then apply exterior sealers and paint...and then case those in a couple plastic trash bags taped off with duct tape and THEN coat all of that with exterior paint and sealers .....and then mache and paint again. That has to work.

JHMDF said...

Awww poor Trick or Treat... no one likes to get wized on.

Anonymous said...

Holy Tarra says, "Bummer!! I bet you can salvage him though. After you get him stripped down if you are still worried about him smelling try some of that enzyme urine remover from the pet store. It'e amazing stuff."

RebelShade said...

You need to make Trick Or Treat a dog. A big menacing I want to eat a cat looking dog :)

Mantan Calaveras said...

Try "nature's miracle"

Rot said...

On a really cold day when I first put him out there, I found a cat sitting in a ball at the base of his white cloak.

I didn't have the heart to chase him away. So he repaid me by turning his bed into a toilet.

Hopsy the beer drinking clown said...

Not to quote a Disney movie title, but...."That Darn Cat". Given the circumstances, however, I think stronger language, maybe even an expletive or two, are called for...

I am sure you have rendered your paper-mache creations quite waterproof, that should help make it easier to clean, right?

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

Cats....gotta love um'

Sorry to hear that...but I agree the opportunities for a new life await.

Looking forward to what you create.


Rot said...'s raining today and I left him on the porch on a corner which is getting soaked.


Brad said...

I think I'd plan on re-doing him in cat pelts (and I really like cats!) If you refinish Trick-r-Treat, will I have to redo my tribute prop?

Anonymous said...

My wonderful "demon dog" kept peeing on my scarecrow, but at least the important part was up high.

FoolishCop said...

I think perhaps my favorite thing about this post is the label you assigned it: "Public Feline Toilet!" LOL!


Jon Glassett said...

I second Mantan Calaveras' suggestion. Nature's Miracle is very effective for that sort of thing. I'm betting if you sprayed on a couple of treatments you'd be rid of the smell completely.

Two cats and two dogs running around my house and no funk to speak of. Get thee to a pet store.