Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Was working on a prop in the garage this weekend and looked up to see a neighbor who was walking his dog standing at the end of the driveway, smiling. "Wow, well that's interesting!" he said. I invited him up, showed him the props in the garage, and told him how we love to decorate for Halloween each year. He commented that he goes kinda crazy himself, and actually mentioned that years and years ago he built a flying crank ghost, a coffin, some tombstones, and a stirring witch for his porch. This would be the first time I've ever encountered someone in the non-internet world mentioning these things. I had a feeling he found it just as cool to be able to talk about his props with someone else.

Neat neighborhood.


NoahFentz said...

Wish I was a fly on the wall at that meeting...

Really...it makes ya wonder how many non internet Pumpkinrots out there just doing their own thing...

Thank you for liking the internet!!

Pam Morris said...

kindred spirits...Halloween should be extra interesting for you guys this year!

Rot said...

I'm looking really forward to it. I'll take lots of photos too.

Anonymous said...

That's really great. I don't think I have ever met someone in person that gets into Halloween like I do.

In a matter of fact, I have never talked about Halloween and Halloween props to anyone until I found this blog....

Amy said...

Rot, are there ever times when you kinda get bored or tired of your props / haunt prep?

Seems like it never gets old for you and was wondering what the secret is?

Rot said...

It hasn't happened yet : )

Not sure what the secret is. I'd say that I have a very strong drive to come up with something new and different. It's kinda always there. In the background.

Marrow said...

So this guy saw one of the Swamp Foetus props...

Enter detective/interrogation mode.

Goneferalinidaho said...

What a cool interaction. If it weren't for the internet, I would have almost no-one to really converse with about my haunt. I am happy that K wants to pitch in and contribute to this year's haunt. Lets see how it goes.

Rot said...

no comment

: )

Rot said...

and, mind you, it's not going to be some sort of Halloween buddy thing.
I'm too antisocial for that.

Jason-v said...

Thats cool! I bet he was thinking HOLY SH*$ in his mind!!!

JHMDF said...

Finally back in the U.S. and can leave comments again... my Ipod would not let me. That's really cool that you now have passionate Halloween people in your neighbor hood. I always love seeing other people putting out their stuff before mine... gets me pumped up.

Mr Black said...

I have never had a fellow yard haunter live so close to me. Most of the ones I do meet are not of a creative bent. It tends to be plastic headstones and inflatables most of the time.

Sara said...

Cool! Cannot wait to see the pictures from your neighborhood's decorations!

This is really the first non-internet interaction like that?Wow. I'm surprised. Not like a ton of people I know walk around talking about building Halloween props, but I guess I hadn't realized how non-mainstream it is. Interesting. I guess I'm not hardcore enough,lol.

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

Seems like you found the right neighborhood....or maybe it found you :)

To the future!


Vintage Seance said...

Haha, that's great. He will love your Halloween display!

The Gill-Man said...

Rot, I'm incredibly jealous...but happy for you too! I'm moving soon, and I have NO idea how the new neighborhood is going to react to my life-sized coffin in the yard, or all the critters populating my trees and hedges. I'm not even entirely sure I will be in the new house by October, but it would be incredibly cool to KNOW that you had at least one comrade-in-arms!

I'm really looking forward to seeing the pics this year! Having someone close by who also decorates, even if their style is totally different, is really fantastic (actually, I think it would be BETTER if they did a completely divergent style from yours. It would make things more interesting).

pensive said...

That is really awesome. What a feeling it must be.