Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Terror In The Woods: Tonight

Set your wood-paneled VCRs for this one.
Just watched the teaser on Xfinity and I think I might be hooked.
Good acting...no silly narration...more in the style of Paranormal Witness.

And after you watch the clip below...click into the comments of this entry for what they see on the floor...it's not even paranormal...and it's terrifying.


Rot said...

so these guys are going to spend the night in that girl's recently-deceased grandmother's cabin...her uncle didn't take the death too well and he's "touched"....so she warns them that if he shows up at the cabin he'll probably freak out... she takes them to the cabin and they start looking around...and find a large nest on the floor made of women's clothing...the grandma's clothing! The uncle has been sleeping in the nest!

Like Big Bird.

Caffeinated Joe said...

Hmm... I am going to record this to check out. We shall see.

girl6 said...

i CAN"T find the nest thinnnngggggggg!!!!!!! : (

omg. those flashlights...
it's like the scooby gang & that one dude looks like Danny McBride from Pineapple Express!!!! HAHAHAHAHA i LOVE that. i am SOOOOO intrigued now!!!!!

girl6 said...

&&& you busted me up SO bad with the Big Bird comment!!!!!
this gig oughtta give you royalties for that comment. G O L D.<333

Rot said...

this turned out to be a subtle not-a-lot-happened Paranormal show...and that's fine with me.

girl6 said...

man, i really dig low key. i LOVE when i catch an ep of the EastEnders & everyone is having a drink at The Vic & they're all tired from a long day of vending in the square & now they gotta go home to put the kettle on & do supper. i eat that stuff up with a spoon!!!!! we're bingeing on Treme right now & i'm IN love!!! : )

Vintage Seance said...

This looks awesome! I'll have to check it out!