Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Watching Weather

Hoping this storm moves forward and doesn't slow down and linger...
Was toying with doing the photo shoot on Sunday this year.  But after doing this for this many years, you really can't even LOOK at the weather until a day and a half before.


Unknown said...

I've been obsessing over the weather since your 10/16 'Weather Worries' post, even though the logical me knows it's absolutely pointless. Most of the time in Central Ohio, they can't even get the forecast correct on the day-of, much less a month out - ha! Like you, my haunt is never weatherproof and goes out only on Halloween day for that evening's trick-or-treat.
Still, I'm sure I'll continue with my obsessive report checking and hand wringing like a madman! :)

Jeannine520 said...

I can so identify with this. We're obsessively watching the forecast, also. I'm hoping for the best weather for you guys.

Anonymous said...

Willing for 55/34 on the 31st with light wind in my area.

Good temps for me,just need to get rid of the wind.

Willow Cove said...

It's in the mid 50's this week

highbury said...

Praying to the Candy Corn Gods for cool, dry weather...we beseech thee!!

VenomStorm said...

Yeah, that rain came out of nowhere. But I am still liking the forecast for the 31 at the moment... I’ll be so upset if the rain comes later or lingers for a couple days.

girl6 said...

asking Tlaloc to keep his rains at bay!!!

Goneferalinidaho said...

It looks like sun and low 60-s to high 50's for Boise. I'll take it.

Rot said...


really annoyed about this massive storm coming up the coast...
naturally i'm picturing a flooded basement and no power a day before Halloween.

Ragged Grin said...

Holding steady at 50/35 for Monday and Tuesday, 10% precip

Hope it holds up

VenomStorm said...

Im going to have to collect bags of leaves today. They will probably still be too damp by Tuesday. I started adding the extra dead leaves last year after seeing your haunts, Rot. Such a great idea.

Rot said...

yeah...i'm doing the same thing...bagging leaves and wrapping my cornstalks...what a nuisance.

and the high winds in this area are probably going to take out the power and if i'm missing on Halloween morning...that's the reason.

Or i'm dead

Holy Tarra said...

This is the one aspect of doing a yard haunt that drives me insane....and yes....I have gotten to the point of not even paying attention to the forecast until a few days before the big night. I can put up with the bugs, the humidity, the scratches and falls (always manage to fall at least once while putting up my haunt) and even a little poison ivy once in a while. But being tortured with the threat of rain really puts a damper on the spirit. Our current forecast is 40% chance of rain storms on the big night. :( I'll keep my fingers crossed for us both, Rot.