Monday, July 8, 2024

Noir Dark Spirits

Back in February 2023 I blogged about a Scranton, Pennsylvania bar/restaurant called Noir Dark Spirits.  The gothic atmosphere looked to be off the charts.  Since that blog post, Noir moved to a new and larger location.  On Saturday we took a road trip to see if something called Noir Dark Spirits could live up to all the expectations we placed upon it.

It did.

Located in the old lobby area of the historic Ritz movie theater, the bar appeared to be one of those places you'd see in a movie or an old 90's series about vampires - one of those places you'd wish were a real thing.  A real gothic vampire bar.  Something with gloomy red lighting and long dark shadows wherever you looked.  There were alcove booths along the wall, each table with a metal plaque in the center listing one of the seven deadly sins (our table was Pride). 

We ordered our first round of drinks:  The Emperor for me (their version of an Old Fashioned [with a flaming sugar cube]) and for Jenna - The Confessional.  The friendly server informed her that the drink would be served in a small black confessional box.  Upon its arrival, we were told, Jenna would have to confess a sin.  The cocktail arrived in a tiny gothic church-shaped box, glowing red from an LED tea light.  The beautiful drink was bubbling with the help of some dry ice.  The presentation was flawless and hilarious.  

A sin was confessed.

We ordered some more drinks and some eats:  the Devil's Board (a really tasty charcuterie board) and the Phlebotomist Dough Injections (dough skulls stuffed with three cheeses and served with syringes poked through the eyes...syringes filled with marinara diavlo).  The second round of drinks arrived, and you could spot Jenna's from across the bar.  Called The Re-Animator, it was glowing green from a tiny glowstick hoop and bubbling frantically like a potion Grandpa Munster would make Herman drink.  

For dessert - a delicious raspberry cheesecake skull, with a thick outer layer of hardened white chocolate.  It came with a metal mallet...  so you can bash your dessert's head in.  

Despite the theatricality of the cocktails and food, they were actually quite good.  Everything was.  I think I was a little worried it would be style over substance in there.  Every aspect of our visit was a blast, and the best way I could describe it would be that it's like having the option to attend a really hip Halloween party literally whenever you chose to do so.  The mood, the atmosphere, and especially the music, make Noir Dark Spirits a really special place.  We wish it were closer than a couple hours away, but I have a feeling we'll be having this particular Halloween bash about two or three times a year.  It really was that good.

Below are some photos Jenna took, and definitely CLICK HERE to see some more images and a couple of neat videos over at her Instagram.


K.O. said...

Insanely AWESOME! I love that mini confessional booth!! Plus all the ornate gothic decor, and the food and drinks sound simply incredible. WOW. What an amazing place! Dying to go there someday.

Rot said...

Definitely a must-visit if you’re ever in these parts!

Jenna said...

Thanks for sharing :) Such a good time <3

KO - Glad this made it on your list! I think you would love it.

MR. Macabre said...

This looks like a place that I'd want to visit, and I don't even drink. Very cool.

Revenant Manor said...

Well, now I want all of my drinks to glow and / or to arrive in a mini-confessional, and every dessert to be accompanied by a skull-mashing mallet.

Nothing else will do...

Mike C(JASONV123) said...

This is a must visit for me!! If I ever head North,haha! Really neat presentation, seriously!

Lady M said...

What a blast! Love the creative presentation.

Tjalgahorn said...

From your 2023 Scranton post and this one, I'm thinking I'm going to have to add it to my Halloween pilgrimage list (alongside Sleepy Hollow and Salem).

Pennsylvania should hire you as a travel ambassador. I'm sold!

Rot said...

Haha I would do it for free!